Bus tours

The Baltic States is a haven for the tourist, who loves nature, respects traditions and has an interest in the culture of the local inhabitants. People live in close relationship with the nature here. Due our extensive knowledge we are capable to tailor-made the tour exactly for your groups interests. We like to encourage people to visit traditional crafts workshops, visit working farms and organize tastings of local produce. In this page you find sample itineraries for group tours however we do not run regular fixed date tours.

What are the group tours?
Overview Tour details
2 days
Total distance driving 265 km
from 160 EUR / pers

Black-bread and Jams

Learn to make Latvian traditional and healthy rye bread by humorous baker-lady at Smiltene. While the bread is in the oven, have Latvian lunch there. Stop at local cider maker. Visit charming town Cesis with Livonian Order Castle. Stay at the guest house near Sigulda whose owner specialises in making various jams. Make the next day - the sweet one. Participate in the jam making class. Visit Turaida Castle estate.

7 days
Total distance driving 453 km

Wood-crafting Skills - dugouts, barrels and sauna accessories

This tour specifically apeal to those interested into woodcrafting. During the tour you visit and could try your hand into three skills - dugout items, barrels and sauna accessories. After leaving Riga, first few days you stay at Ligatne. There is the Woodcrafting museum and dugout workshops where you can choose what item to make. It is also nice place with historic village formed around Paper Mill. At Ligatne you can visit local wine makers which shop is located into a sand cave typical for the region. Soviet Secret Bunker is also nearby. Next on the tour is sightseeing at the small town Cesis with mighty medieval castle and then a visit to barrel master who will demonstrate his skill. There is also accommodation at the place. Sauna is an integral part of the Latvian life style and there are certain knowledge require how to build it and what accessories to use during bathing. You learn about these skills as well as could try out a proper Latvian sauna ritual. On the way to Riga you visit Cesvaine Castle as well as birch juice producer where owner tells about the way of extracting juice from the birch. You could taste some of his product - juice and wine.

Local lifestyle
2 days
Total distance driving 118 km
from 180 EUR / pers

Cooking at Malpils Manor

Spend two days enjoying the comfort of Malpils Manor and participate at the cooking class with the manor' s chef. Visit local goat farm and taste their cheeses, go to family birch juice and wine producer which makes wonderful healthy and refreshing drink typical for Latvia.

2 days
Total distance driving 242 km
from 150 EUR / pers

Fish smoking and canning

From Riga go along the coastal fishermen villages to Roja. There learn traditional way of fish smoking and canning. In the evening have a fishermen meal with music, fish soup on bone-fire and games. Overnight stay in Roja. It is possible to join fishermen in the sea very early in the morning.

By the sea
10 days
from 620 EUR / pers

Explore Latvian regional specialities

The tour starts in Riga with guided sightseeing tour as well as free time. Afterward you head to Kemeri National Park. Walk Black Alder trail through wetland and visit sulfur spring at the grounds of the historic resort. Then continue to Jaunmoku Castle but later follow the coast visiting peculiar beach at Kaltene dotted with boulders. Next day there is a chance to go early in the sea with fishermen boat which is followed by traditional fishermen meal on mainland - fish smoking and fish soup on bone fire. Next day the tour goes towards Slitere National Park. There climb Slitere lighthouse, visit Cape Kolka
where Riga Gulf meets the open sea on the way and pass some characteristic villages of the smallest ethnic group in the world- Livs. Then stop at the Ventpils Radio Astronomy Centre, former Soviet spying centre and learn some exiting facts from Cold War period. Then there is some time in Vetspils
to explore its historic centre with Livonian Order Castle, walk along the promanade. watch ships from the waterbreak and enjoy its well-maintained sandy beach. Further on visit Uzava Brevery where excellent live beer is made. Further on pass the steep banks of the sea coast and turn inland to visit distinctive Suiti region which is a unique example of European intangible
cultural heritage . Have tradional meal at the pub and enjoy the famous Suiti Women burdon singing. Further on visit charming Kuldiga with well-preserved wooden architecture, historic Wine Hill at Sabile and taste home-made wines there. Afterwords relax at the sea and spa resort Jurmala.

Local lifestyle Active season months5-10
1 day
Total distance driving 130 km
from 50 EUR / pers

Birch juice, cheese and medieval castles

The first stop is at Turaida Medieval Castle with beautiful view across Gauja river valley. Then visit goats farm and taste their excellent cheeses. Lunch at Malpils Manor with renowned restaurant and possibility to taste selection of Malpils Cheeses. Afterwards visit the family producer specialising in birch juice products. You learn how the birch juice is extracted and preserved and taste refreshing juice and sparkling wine.

Castles and manors
1 day
Total distance driving 73 km
from 60 EUR / pers

Castles and Wine

Visit three castles - Turaida and Sigulda medieval Castles located at opposite sides of the steep banks of the river Gauja. Then go to Krimulda where is a medieval castle ruins and later day manor house. Taste the manor' s wine and see production. Then have a lunch at the Latvian style taverna followed by another home-made wine tasting in Sigulda.

Castles and manors
2 days
Total distance driving 418 km
from 175 EUR / pers

Black-bread and Beer

Visit bakery which makes traditional black bread and make your own loaf. Then visit ancient Semigalian wooden castle and Tervete Brewery. Next day visit farmstead at Aizpute and learn about beer traditions in Latvia and how to make one at home. On the way to Riga, visit picturesque town Kuldiga.

2 days
Total distance driving 355 km
from 115 EUR / pers

From Farms to Riga Restaurants

On the first day visit a farm specialised in goat breeding and making exclusive cheese, a farm which grows and processes hemp in several generations, berry and fruit grower as well as traditional lamprey fishermen. Next day have a master-class with famous chefs in the restaurant in Riga where these ingredients will be used to prepare first class meals.