Tour routes in the Rocky Seashore of Vidzeme

Welcome to Vidzeme seashore!

There are new routes for hiking, cycling, canoeing, self-drive and bird watching developed in the Rocky Seashore of Vidzeme. The new tourism products are aimed for tourists who are self planning their travels. Just print out the route description with attached map and enjoy your trip! Every route description includes: short description of points of interest, information about available tourism services and accommodations, contact information for bike/boat rentals, tourism information boards etc. Bird watching is suggested in a company with experienced guide.

If you plan to stay in the territory more than one day choose one of offered accommodations or call Lauku celotajs for booking.

There is more practical information available also in our travel guides and tour maps.

Canoeing Self-drive Nature watching
Hiking Cycling Botany route



From Tūja to Salacgrīva
This is a route that does not have the obstacles which boaters often face – no need to carry the boat anywhere, and no other problematic situation. The speed of the trip will largely depend on wind direction and strength and the nature of waves in the sea.

Season All year, but best in summer
Distance 30 km
Duration ~ 7 h
Type of boat Sea kayak
Difficulty Depends on wind speed, the direction of the wind and the height of waves in the sea.  It will be an easy or moderately difficult route, but beginners should take it only when the sea is calm and the wind is slow.
Start The car park at Tūja
End The beach at Salacgrīva
Alternatives You can continue the route to Ainaži, or you can sail in the other direction from Tūja – to Saulkrasti or even Rīga.
Distance from Rīga 75 km
Logistics You can leave your car at the car park in Tūja and return from Salacgrīva on public transportation.  Alternatively, you can leave a second car in Salacgrīva.
Note Rowing on the sea is not the same thing as canoeing, even if the sea is completely still.  At sea, you always have to keep an eye on the weather.  These are not trips that can be planned far in advance – monitor weather forecasts.  Never go too far away from the shore.  A seagoing boat is much heavier than a canoe, so you need to end up somewhere close to where the transport for the boat is located.  Think about your strength, the weather, and other factors – the fact is that you’ll expend more energy out at sea.  Don’t go alone – bring others in other boats so that there is assistance in an emergency situation.  At the estuary of the Salaca River, make sure that you observe shipping rules.  You are responsible for your health and that of your children!
Route description/ map 
Veczemju klintis

kajamg ski

Skiing and hiking

Along the Rocky Seashore of Vidzeme
The route is intended for those who mostly like to travel by car, but at the same time like to take small radial hikes in the vicinity.

Season April to October, as well as on lovely winter days
Distance 19 km
Duration ~7 h
Difficulty Medium – there are places where it’s easier to walk along the shoreline road.
Road cover Beach, mostly covered with rocks and pebbles.  Around the Vitrupe River and Tūja, there are some sandy beaches.
Start At the seashore, at the Vitrupe River estuary
End Tūja (the breakwater, the Zaķupe River estuary).  The Tūja bus stop is approximately 700 metres from those places.
Alternatives You can hike the road which passes along the seashore.  There are places where the road has been washed out, however, and there you will have to walk along the beach.
Distance from Rīga 90 km to the start, 70 to the end point
Logistics There are, on average, two buses a day that pass through Tūja. Other busses pass by on the highway, and the turnoff to Tūja is around three kilometres from the village centre.  There will be 8 to 10 such buses each day. 
Note Wear appropriate footwear, and make sure that you are in appropriate shape for the hike.  You can cross the Vitrupe River on the bridge.  After heavy rains and during flooding season, you will have to ford the Kurliņupīte and Zaķupe rivers on foot.
Route description/ map
Veczemju klintis

EEA logo NOR logoSupported by a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Financial Mechanism and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 

Information & booking - phone: 67617600, e-mail: