Tour routes in Slītere National Park

Welcome to Slītere!

There are 9 new routes for hiking, skiing, cycling, canoeing, and self-drive and nature sightseeing tours developed in Slītere National Park.  Just print out the route description with attached map and enjoy your trip! Every route description includes: short description of points of interest, information about available tourism services and accommodations, contact information for bike/boat rentals, tourism information boards etc. Nature sightseeing, animal and bird watching tours is suggested in a company with experienced guide.
If you plan to stay in the territory of the National Park more than one day choose one of offered accommodations and call Lauku celotajs for booking.
There is more practical information available also in our travel guides and tour maps.

kajamg Hiking velo Cycling laivas Canoeing slepotajs Skiing
auto Self-drive putni Bird-watching
zveri Nature watching



The Kolkasrags circle
This route is meant for hikers who want a bit more than just a stroll from the car park to a popular destination.  This is an interesting way to look at the Kolkarsags promontory (the Cape of Kolka) from different viewpoints.

Season Year-round
Length ~3 km
Time 1-2 h
Difficulty Easy
Road cover Forest roads, beach, paved and gravel roads
Beginning Kolkasrags car park
End Kolkasrags car park
Route Kolkasrags visitor centre – Kolkasrags – the Kolkasrags Pine trail – firing range – Kolkasrags visitor centre
Alternatives You can go in the opposite direction on the route.  You can also continue on to the Uši campsite, walking along the beach or one of the forest roads (another 3 km).
Distance from Rīga 150 km
Logistics A circular route which ends where it began.
Note Bring this information sheet with you when you go on the route.  During the spring and autumn, dress warmly, and bring binoculars for bird watching with you.
Route description/ map

Learn about Mazirbe
This is a route for active hikers, and it covers Mazirbe and its surroundings.  Here you will find information about the Liv people and their culture.  The Liv nation has lived on the shores of the sea in this region for many centuries.

Season Year-round
Length 7-10 km
Time ~ 2 – 3 h
Difficulty Easy
Road cover Mostly paved and gravel roads
Beginning Mazirbe church
End Mazirbe church
Route Mazirbe church – Mērakmeņi – Liv People’s Hall – Boat Cemetery – Baltic Sea shoreline – Mazirbe church 
Some parts of the route will be marked by colours on the trees
Alternatives You can start at the Liv People’s Hall. You can follow the marked bike route Kolka-Mazirbe-Sīkrags, or you can follow the seashore to Kolka (~20 km), spending the night in one of the seashore villages.
Distance from Rīga 170 km
Logistics A circular route which ends where it began.
Note Bring this information sheet with you when you go on the route.
Route description/ map

Along the seashore and coast
The territory of the Slītere National Park has a sandy beach that is around 40 kilometres long and is appropriate for short hikes or ones that take several days.  There are no insurmountable obstacles for people on foot between Melnsils and Sīkrags. Route descriptions show the distance in kilometres between major populated areas.  This will allow you to plan a route that is in line with your abilities and your interests.

Season Year-round
Difficulty Easy
Route Here are a few hiking routes:
•    Mazirbe-Vaide
•    Vaide-Kolkasrags
•    Sīkrags-Kolkasrags (two days, spending the night at Košrags or Vaide)
•    Melnsils-Kolka
Logistics Plan a circular route which leads back to the point of origin.
Note Bring this information sheet with you when you go on the route.
Route description/ map



Slītere circle
This route is appropriate for active tourists who are interested in coastal landscapes and the culture of the Liv people.  The old forest road passes through five Liv villages: Mazirbe, Košrags, Pitrags, Saunags and Vaide. Some trace of the old days and fishermen lifestyle is still found here. From Košrags the route takes the ”Apakšceļš” – a lonely old forest road between Košrags and Dūmele passsing the Bažu bog. After Dūmele the route returns to Kolka.

Season May-September
Length ~50 km – one day or two days, spending the night at tourism facilities
Time ~1-2 days
Type of bicycle Mountain bike
Difficulty Medium
Road cover Forest roads along approximately 2/3 of the way, paved roads elsewhere
Beginning Kolka (car park or other location)
End Kolka (car park or other location)
Route Kolka-Vaide-Saunags-Pitrags-Košrags-Dūmele-Ezermuiža-Melnsils-Kolka
The Kolka – Košrags part is marked by yelow colour on trees
Alternatives You can ride the route in any direction, or start at Košrags or Melnsils, because it is a circular route.
Distance from Rīga 150 km
Logistics A circular route which ends where it started
Note The forest roads, particularly between Košrags and Dūmele, can be a mess, particularly after spring rains.  There are a few sandy areas which will be more difficult to traverse.
Route description/ map

Liv villages
This route is appropriate for active tourists who are interested in coastal landscapes and the culture of the Liv people. The old forest road passes through five Liv villages: Mazirbe, Košrags, Pitrags, Saunags and Vaide. Some trace of the old days and fishermen lifestyle is still found here. Returning by the Ventspils – Kolka road.

Season April-October
Length ~28 km, doable in one day
Time ~5 h if you stop and look at the villages
Type of bicycle Mountain bike
Difficulty Medium
Road cover Approximately half of the route is paved, while roads in the forest are gravelled in some places and paved in others.
Beginning Mazirbe, Liv People’s Hall
End Mazirbe, Liv People’s Hall
Route Mazirbe-Košrags-Pitrags-Saunags-Vaide, then the P 124 road back to Mazirbe
Between Mazirbe and Vaide, the route is marked with yelow signs on trees.
Alternatives You can ride the route in the opposite direction or continue along the Kolka-Mazirbe-Sīkrags bike route that has been established by the Slītere National Park (passing through the forest back to Kolka, this will add 11 km to your route).  Because this is a circular route, it can be started or finished anywhere.
Distance from Rīga 170 km
Logistics A circular route which returns to where it began
Note The forest roads between the Liv villages can be in poor shape – they’re sandy and can have big puddles when it rains, and tree roots on the surface.
Route description/ map



Around the Kolka lighthouse
The first 1.5 kilometres of the route are along the western shore of the Gulf of Rīga. At the Kolka shallows, it turns toward the Kolka lighthouse. After an hour or so, the boat sails around the artificial island then the boat returns to its initial departure point. This route involves boats that are meant for this specific purpose.  They are stable and seaworthy.  The tour can be taken under different weather conditions, but only if the windspeed is no more than 4-5 m/s.  You should preferably have a guide with you.

Season Preferably during the first half of the summer, but anytime when the weather is right
~15 km
Time 3-4 h
Type of boat SitOnTop sea kayak
Difficulty Depends on the direction and strength of the wind, as well as the height of waves beginners should take the tour only when the wind speed is no more than 3-4 m/s
Beginning Ūši campsite and guesthouse
End Ūši campsite and guesthouse
Alternatives Depending on the direction of the wind, the boat can sail along the shore of the Gulf of Rīga to Melnsils; the route can also begin at Kolkasrags
Distance from Rīga 150 km
Logistics The beginning and the end of the route are at the same place
Note Boating tours are arranged in groups with not more than 6-8 boats. Experienced guide is a must. While out at sea, make sure that you follow safety recommendations. Safety gear is compulsory – sea boating life vests and hydro suits to prevent hypothermia, a GPS system, a telephone. The direction and speed of the wind has to be considered, sailing during inappropriate weather conditions should be avoided. The artificial island should not be approached when the wind is strong and waves are high, because the boat might crash into the cement structures that are there).   
Route description/ map 




Around Slītere
This route will allow you to learn about the diverse environmental and cultural heritage of northern Kurzeme peninsula.  You will also find the loveliest views in the Slītere National Park.  You can drive down the route, or you can ride a bicycle.

Season Preferably April-October, but year-round if conditions permit
Length ~90 km.  If you’re driving, we recommend that you take two days if you want to take a detailed look at everything that you want to see and if you hike all of the trails.
Time One or two days
Type of car
No specific requirements
Type of bike Mountain bike
Difficulty For bikers, not very hard if you take two days
Road cover Mostly asphalt, but some 19 km of gravel road
Beginning Dundaga or other places (Melnsils, Sīkrags) – this is a circular route
End Dundaga or other places
Route Dundaga-Šlītere-Sīkrags-Mazirbe-Košrags-Pitrags-Saunags-Vaide-Kolka-Melnsils-Vīdale-Dundaga
Alternatives The route can be taken in either direction and can be started and stopped anywhere.
Distance from Rīga 170 km
Logistics A circular route which returns to where it started.
Note Bring a printed map with all of the necessary information.
Route description/ map

putni zveri

Nature watching

Sliteres NP
Vilnis Skuja
Birds at the Slītere
Of the 338 species of birds ever registered in Latvia, 261 have been spotted at the SNP. The best places to spot birds during and outside of migration season are the Ēvaži, Pēterezers, pines of Cape Kolka and Šlītere nature trails, and on the seashore by the village of Vaide and at Cape Kolka.

The spring is the best time to bird-watch at Kolka – the birds fly North along the coast, and there are both land and water birds – loons, ducks, gulls and terns which see the cape as a boundary along which there are very clear streams of migration.  Not all species of birds travel at the same time. Spring migration begins in late February and continues until late May. April and early May are the best viewing times. In the autumn, there are different species and fewer birds – fewer predatory and more wading birds. The migration of water birds along the cape can be quite intensive during the autumn, too.

You must apply for a bird-watching tour at least two weeks in advance. Contact Lauku Ceļotājs on +371-6761-7600, or write to

Route description/ map

Sliteres NP
Helmuts Hofmanis
Sliteres NP
Helmuts Hofmanis

Sliteres NP
Vilnis Skuja
Animals in the Slītere
Animal-watching at the Slītere National Park is only possible in the presence of a guide, and only for small groups of one to five people (the park asks that children under the age of 15 not be brought along). The process involves sitting around in special towers for several hours. If you learn to be quiet and careful while looking at the lives and habits of forest denizens, you have every opportunity to hear hooting owns, rooting bucks and howling wolves. You may smell a racoon dog, run into a doe with her fawns, watch a beaver building a home, or spot a group of stags swimming in a lake during the foggy morning. You must bring water-resistant and comfortable shoes, warm and “quiet” apparel. You will be walking around 2 km. Bring binoculars, a camera, snacks and non-alcoholic beverages.

You must apply for an animal-watching tour at least two weeks in advance. Contact Lauku Ceļotājs on +371-6761-7600, or write to

Route description/ map

Sliteres NP
Vilnis Skuja
Sliteres NP
Vilnis Skuja



Around Liv villages
Kurzemes pussala, īpaši tās ziemeļdaļa ir pazīstama ar daudz maigākiem un vienmērīgākiem klimatiskajiem apstākļiem nekā pārējā Latvijas teritorijā. Likumsakarīgi, arī ziemas šeit ir siltākas un nereti bez noturīgas sniega segas. Taču tad, kad ir sniegs, šī iespēja nekavējoties ir jāizmanto! Un kas var būt lieliskāks par slēpojienu ar distanču slēpēm cauri lībiešu ciemiem – vienīgo vietu, kur vienkopus saglabājies lībiešu kultūrvēsturiskais mantojums un ainava. Kopā sanāks 11 km pa apvidu. Arī autotransports netraucēs. Kā stāsta vietējie iedzīvotāji, sniegotas ziemas atkārtojas aptuveni pēc pieciem gadiem, tādēļ šāds pārvietošanās vai ceļošanas veids uzskatāms par ekskluzīvu iespēju.

Length 11 km
Time ~ 2 h 
Beginning Vaide (auto stāvlaukums pie Vaides dīķa)
End Mazirbe (auto stāvlaukums pie Lībiešu tautas nama)
Route Vaide - Saunags - Pitrags - Košrags - Mazirbe
Logistics Lai nebūtu jāslēpo turp – atpakaļ, var sadalīties divās grupās, kas slēpo viena otrai pretim līdz galapunktam, kur novietota (automašīna (s)). Otrs variants – var sarunāt ar tūrisma mītņu saimniekiem, kas atbrauc pretim uz plānoto galapunktu. Var izmantot autobusu satiksmi, kas kursē Mazirbes – Kolkas posmā 2 – 4 reizes dienā.
Route description/ map in Latvian

With the contribution of the LIFE financial instrument of the European Community  

Information & booking - phone: +371 67617600, e-mail: