Project duration: 01.10.2012 - 30.09.2014
Project goal:
Provide apractical and efficient, continuosly updated life-long learning opportunity for tourism micro-SMEs in Europe through improved trainingaccessibility in the field of Safety and Security at workplace and for clients, leading to compliance with cross-european standarts, anincreased professionalism, competitiveness through trust and reability and through these, stability and sustainability of rural tourisminitiatives in Europe.
Project partners: 1. Latvian Country Tourism Association "Lauku ceļotājs" 2. Norwegian Rural tourism and local food "HANEN" 3. Bulgarian association for alternative tourism BAAT 4. European Federation of Rural Tourism - EuroGites 5. PRODEC Consultores 6. Lithuanian Countryside Tourism Association of Lithuania 7. Farm Stay UK Limited Project summary Project presentation Project press Project leaflet |
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. |
5th European Congress on Rural Tourism in Alpbach/Tirol will happen from 6th till 7th of October, in the second day of the congress, Latvian Rural Tourism Association's ''Lauku ceļotājs'' president Asnāte Ziemele, will present SAFETUR - Practice based training tool for safety and security in European rural tourism project results. During the congress there was also a project partners meeting. Meeting program is available here! Meeting minutes here. Photo gallery can see here. More information about this congress and program is available here: |
On May 26th, partners met in Bergen, Norway to discuss project activities and further work. Project partners presented their contribution in project work. Participants discussed and analized developed online training tool and inspectionam manual. Meeting programme can see here. Safety and security issues were discussed also in the Eurogites workshop and study tour which took place in fallowing days. See the programme here. Photo gallery here. Asnate Ziemele presentation about project activities and customer survey summary. Ģirts Ziemelis presentation about developed online training tool here. Partner presentations about their project activities - Norwegian, Bulgarian, UK. Partner meeting minutes can see here. Workshop and study tour minutes can see here. |
One of the main project results - Safety and Security tool is now available. In tool you will find virtual training module, Inspection manual and Security self-check. Online tool is available here: |
On January 17th project working group met in Berlin to discuss project actualities - next partner meeting in Norway which will be combined with Eurogites meeting and project final event - congress in Austria. Workshop minutes can see here. |
On 3rd Decembre Asnate Ziemele from Lauku celotajs participated in European Comission event where informed the participants also about the Safetur project activities. Presentation can see here, programm of the event here. |
On November 27 in UK, Buxton city Eurogites workshop took place. During workshop safety and security issues in rural tourism online bookings were discussed. Programm of the event can see here. The event was combined with the project partner meeting, which was held on November 28. Partners discused current events - safety and security handbook, testing and other activities, presentation here. Lauku celotajs prezented online customer survey summary. Partner meeting programm can see here. |
"Lauku ceļotājs" have published summer e-magazine where information about the project activities - customer feedback summary was included. Printed magazine will be distributed in association events, but online version is available here (only in Latvian). Information about project activities can see on page 9. E-magazine was sent electronically to customers and rural tourism providers (4000 respondents) and available in association homepage. |
Project partner Lithuanian Countryside Tourism association organized stakeholder meeting on 29th May where project was presented. During the meeting discussion about safety and security aspects were held. Representatives from State food and veterinary service - Virginius Jauga and Rimantas Bokmota from Fire and rescue department shared their experience and informed about latest legislative requirments in rural tourism. Totally 83 persons participated. Presentation of project can see here. |
During April 18 - 20 2nd partner meeting took place in Germany, Walkendorf/Mecklenburg. Asnāte Ziemele presented SAFETUR project and customer feedback summary. 16 persons from Europe's rural tourism organizations participated in workshop. Presentation and feedback summary can see here. During the meeting project partners met to discuss project activities, like customer feedbacks, customer online survey and handbook sections. Also further work plan was set. Presentation can see here. Program can see here. Meeting minutes here. |
Project partner HANEN orgnized workshop for rural tourism entrepreneurs and catering service providers in countryside. During event safety and security in this industry were discussed. Asnate Ziemele from "Lauku celotajs" informed participants about project activities and results that will be useful for rural tourism entrepreneurs. Program can see here. |
Project partner Lithuanina Countryside Tourism Association organized generall assambly on 6th March. During the event participants were informed also about the participation in SAFETUR project, its acitivities, planned events and results. Totally 80 persons participated. Program can see here. |
"Lauku ceļotājs" have published spring e-magazine where information about the project and it's activities included. Printed magazine will be distributed in "Balttour 2013" tourism fair, association events, but online version is available here (only in Latvian). Information about project included in page number 4. E-magazine was distributed during tourism fair "Balttour 2013" in 500 copies and electronically sent to customers and rural tourism providers (4000 respondents). |
Project kick-off meeting took place in Riga, November 19-20. The partners discussed administrative matters, tasks and results to achieve. A representative from the Leonardo da Vinci Lifelong Learning program national agency took part in the meeting. Meeting agenda can view here and meeting minutes here. Partner presentations about tourism safety in partner countries and transferable materials: Latvian Country Tourism Association presentation about QUALITOOL project. Lithuanian Countryside Tourism Association presentation about situation in Lithuania. Farm Stay UK presentation about situation and transferable material. HANEN (Norway) presentation here. Photos of the meeting can view here. |