No Name Description
This is an important territory to protect the little gull during spring migration. It is opposite the Salacgrīva, Limbaži, Saulkrasti and Carnikava administrative districts, with a total area of 58,600 hectares.
This is another important territory for the protection of reefs, is also opposite the Salacgrīva Administrative District, and covers 7,239 hectares.
This is an enormously important territory for migrating birds. The most commonly spotted protected species of birds are the velvet scoter, the black scoter, the long-tailed duck, the little gull, the red-throated and black-throated loon, and the black guillemot. The territory is opposite the Dundaga and Ventspils administrative districts, and it covers 172,412 hectares.
This is an area where migrating birds seek shelter and food all around the year. Seen most often here are the red-throated and black-throated loon, the common shelduck, the long-tailed duck, the velvet scoter and the little gull. The territory is also important for the protection of reefs. It lies opposite the Dundaga, Roja and Engure administrative districts, as well as the city of Jūrmala, and it covers 132,173 hectares of territory. The marine parts of the Engure Nature Park and the Ķemeri National Park are covered.

Akmensraga tāpat kā Kolkasraga apkaime jau kopš seniem laikiem ir bijusi zināma kā kuģotājiem bīstama vieta, jo te atrodas viena no lielākajām Latvijas piekrastes kuģu kapsētām. Bīstamības fakts slēpjas apstāklī, ka Akmensraga apkārtnē mainās krasta virziens un jūrā iestiepjas akmeņaini sēkļi. Pirmo signāluguni Akmensragā iededza 1879. g., bet 10 gadus vēlāk uzcēla 28 m augstu koka bāku. 1911. g. uzcēla mūra bāku, kuru sagrāva 1. pasaules kara laikā – 1916. g. Mūsdienās redzamā (augstums 37,5 m, uzbūvēta 1921. g.). Padomju laikā visas bākas bija militāri – stratēģiski objekti un šeit strādāja hidrogrāfiskais dienests un jūras novērošanas punkts. Bākas apkārtnē - mežā vēl joprojām redzamas bijušās padomju armijas ēku drupas. Apskatāma no iekšpuses.

Akmensrags is important for birds while they are migrating, spending the winter, and molting in the summer. Most often we find the little gull and the red-throated and black-throated loon. The territory is opposite the Pāvilosta Administrative District and covers 25,878 hectares.
The “Nida-Pērkone” protected marine territory is one of the most biologically diverse marine territories along the shore of the open part of the Baltic Sea, and it is enormously important for environmental protection. The most important reef territories are found here. During migration season, most species of migrating birds that are found in Latvia cross the area. The territory is particularly important to protect the goosander and the little gull. The territory is opposite the Rucava and Nīca administrative districts and covers 36,703 hectares. It overlaps the marine section of the Pape Nature Park and the Bernāti Nature Park.
This is an important territory for the protection of reefs. It is opposite the Salacgrīva Administrative District and covers 3,577 hectares. The marine part of the “Rocky Shore of Vidzeme” nature reserve is a part of the territory.