No | Name | Description |
The nature park near the town of Ogre is a popular place for leisure, hiking and, in the winter, cross-country skiing. Most of the park is covered with coniferous trees that are on a long and comparatively narrow line of hillocks with steep sides – another element of nature left behind in Latvia by the Ice Age. Many different plants can be found here. The Jaunogres castle hill is one of the most distinct hillocks in the area. |
Ap 25 km gara un līdz 1,5 m plata vaļņveida reljefa forma Adzeles pacēluma dienvidu malā, kas apaugusi ar skujkoku mežu. Latvijā reti biotopi un nozīmīga daudzu aizsargājamu augu un dzīvnieku sugu dzīves vieta. Numerenes valni var ļoti labi "izjust", braucot pa Kārsavas - Tilžas ceļu. Dabas parkā atrodas slēpošanas kalns "Nūmerene".
This park is in an area which has not been affected much by humankind – sandstone cliffs, an undisturbed diversity of caves, other habitats, species and landscapes is the attractive aspect of this area. The Salaca River is one of the most important rivers in the Baltic Sea region for the spawning of salmon, and it is the second most popular river for water tourists in the Latvian region of Vidzeme. There are geological monuments which are very attractive to visitors – the Red cliffs, Skaņais Hill, the Neļķu cliff, the Velna (Devil’s) cave, etc. There are also cultural monuments such as the Livonian castle hill, the Vecsalaca baronial estate, the Livonian Museum, the Vantenberģi estate, the unique Salaca lamprey weirs, etc. Also in the park is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Northern Vidzeme – the Skaņākalna park, which has a dense network of footpaths. The Salaca is also popular among fishermen. This is part of the Northern Vidzeme Biosphere Reserve. |
As you travel from Kandava to Sabile, you will find a parking lot on the right side of the road. From there, there are steps to a viewing area on the highest hill in the Abava Ancient River Valley – Greiļi Hill. This offers a wonderful view of the ancient river valley and the local mosaic of meadows and forests. The landscape is enriched by the Imula and Amula valleys that are on the other side of the ancient river valley.
Ap 9 km garā taka (vienā virzienā) sākas Skaņākalna dabas parkā (Mazsalacā) un beidzas pie Ramatas. Tā iepazīstina ar Salacas ielejas dabas parka nozīmīgākajām vērtībām – smilšakmens atsegumiem (Skaņaiskalns, Dauģēnu klintis u.c.), alām, nozīmīgu izmēru laukakmeņiem u.c. Taka marķēta. Tajā izvietoti informācijas stendi, norādes. Jāpadomā par loģistiku – kā nokļūt sākuma punktā. |
The forests of Zvārde are located on land which used to be a Soviet air base. The territory was unpopulated and was not accessible to civilians. The vast area includes various types of forest - boreal forest, bogs of black alder, etc. The fact that the military used to control the territory is one of the reasons why the forests of Zvārde are a location where many rare and protected birds live, reproduce and find food. Some of the elements of the old air base are still in place, including a unique surveillance platform. It is recommended that visitors to the area drive only along general use roads. |
This path is found on the right bank of the ancient Abava river valley. The visitor will be able to view places where underground streams create wetlands, various kinds of meadows, a stand of juniper bushes, etc. The area is “managed” all year long by “wild” cows. The shore of the ancient valley can be climbed (some 200 steps), and the view is magnificent. It is recommended that the trail be visited in the company of a knowledgeable guide. There is a shorter path that is 600m long, along with a longer one that is more than a kilometre in length. It will take an hour or so to traverse it. Objects are found in the ancient Abava valley nature park.
This nature park protects the landscapes of the Latgale highlands. Of importance here are Lake Ruskulis and Lake Cīrītis with its eight islands, along with the forests of the area. An ancient castle hill is on one of the islands in Lake Cīrītis – the Upursala island. There and on the Oši island, specialists have found more than 250 species of plants. |
Embūtes dabas parks, saukts par Embūtes senleju, ir viena no skaistākajām, interesantākajām un noslēpumainākajām Kurzemes vietām. Nav Latvijā otras tādas vietas, kur ieejas vārtus dabas parka teritorijā simbolizē stilizēti zobeni ar vairogiem ceļa abās pusēs, radot mītisku un cienījamu noskaņu. Par Embūtes apkārtnes vēsturi stāsta daudzas teikas un leģendas. Viena no pazīstamākajām ir romantiskā teika par kuršu vadoņa Induļa un vācu komtura meitas Ārijas mīlestību. Vietā, kur viņi pirmoreiz tikušies joprojām atrodas Ārijas un Induļa ozoli. Embūtes dabā parkā ieteicams apskatīt - ekotūrisma taku, Embūtes viduslaiku pilsdrupas, Embūtes luterāņu baznīcas mūrus, Induļa pilskalnu, Pilskalna avotiņu, Induļa un Ārijas ozolu. Dabas parks aprīkots ar labiekārtotu pastaigu taku, skatu platformām, skatu torni, labierīcībām un atpūtas vietu. |
The Naujene castle hill is on the steep bank of the Daugava River, is up to 25 metres high and has two valleys on its sides. Between 1275 and 1277, the master of the Livonian Order, Ernst von Ratzenburg, organised the construction of a brick castle to replace a Lettigalian wooden castle that had stood there before. The castle had a drawbridge and an external and internal forecastle. Until the middle part of the 16th century, the castle was the residence of one of the top officials in Dünaburg. The forces of Ivan the Terrible sacked the castle in 1577, after which the location lost its strategic importance. New fortifications were built in the location that is now the city of Daugavpils. Alongside the ruins of the castle is a miniature model that helps to imagine the appearance of the location many centuries ago. A well-appointed pathway leads from the car park to the castle hill. The hill offers one of the loveliest views of the curvy Daugava River and its surrounding nature park. |
One of the highest dunes in Latvia, located between Bernāti and Jūrmalciems villages. It is 37m high and offers a magnificent view of the sea and natural pine forests. The highest dunes in Latvia stand to the South of Jūrmalciems village: the Pūsēnu hill, the Ķupu hill, the Mietragkalns or Tiesas hill, the Pāļu hill, the Garais hill, the Ātrais hill, the Lāvas hill. The Pūsēnu dune is the highest of these dunes which are all called hills by the local people. The Pūsēnu hill developed between 1785 to 1835 when shifting sand became extremely dangerous. Several homesteads were buried in sand, among them „Pūsēni”, where a forester’s family lived. The family is said to have moved to Bārta. The dune was named after the buried homestead. Jēkabs Janševskis, a Latvian writer, wrote in his book „Nīca”: “In olden times, large pine trees were growing in the dunes on the coast of Nīca and they stood steady and firm. But i Swedish times (around 1650), the Swedes built a large kiln for charcoal and tar. Pine wood and stumps provided an excellent material for this. Once a big fire rose, and the charcoal kiln burned down as well as the whole pine forest. The remaining stumps and bare trunks in the vast burnout could not hold the storm-driven sand; it flew further and further burying not only the burned-out forest, but also the nearest fields. In wintertime, when the vast, low marshy grasslands were covered with ice, jets of sand drifted further over its surface, and soon most of the grasslands and large meadows turned into sandy heath-land and dunes.” To reconstruct Liepāja, severely damaged during WWII, a silicate brick factory was built in the town. The main raw material was white sand and it was taken from the Bernātu forest. In the 1960-ies they started to dig off the Green Dune and the White Dune, later also the Pūsēnu hill. The excavators used to work day and night, in three shifts. The work stopped at around 1980, as there was no more sand suitable for production of brick. A trail is set up to facilitate walking in the Pūsēnu Dune in the Bernātu Nature Park. |
This territory in the northern part of the Dzūkija Highlands with lots of hillocks and lakes. The most interesting tourist destination is Velnio duobė (Devil’s Flowerbed) – a funnel-shaped hole that is up to 40 m deep and 200 m wide and is thought to have originated during the Ice Age.
The shallow and mostly overgrown (65% of its surface) Lake Engure is one of those Latvian lakes which are most favoured by birds. It is a location which is governed by the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, and 186 species of nesting birds have been identified there. The area is also distinguished by great botanical diversity (more than 800 kinds of plants). The coastline varies between sandy beaches and seashore meadows. There are forests, fishing villages and damp areas which ensure a great diversity in landscapes and species. The flood-land plains of the lake and the sea are grazing grounds for wild livestock – horses, blue cows, etc. Several bird-watching towers are open to visitors, as is the Orchid trail. The Centre for Ornithological Research is located on the eastern bank of Lake Engure. A unique floating house built by ornithologists is located on the lake. The territory is appropriate not just for holiday-makers, but also for hikers, bicyclists and bird-watchers. A leisure area and a small exhibition are located close to the ornithological research centre. |
The tower is on the banks of the little Tērvete River, with a view of the river valley and surrounding forests. Good views of the Tērvete River valley are also available from the nearby Zviedru Hill and the Tērvete castle hill. Note: The viewing tower at the Tērvete Ancient History Museum is not open to visitors!
The trail climbs up and down along the bluffs of lower River Pilsupe and reveals a fascinating sight of three white dune exposures (the largest is called the White Dune). The trail is 900m long, and the White Dune is ca 20m high. It has formed ca 6000 years ago, in the period of the Littorina Sea which is a foregoer of the Baltic Sea. Here the first Stone Age settlement on the North Western coast of Latvia has been found in 1934 by geologist S. Burhards. In the sand, some 500m from the sea, he found some pottery fragments, a sandstone hone, a piece of flint, parts of bones and an amber bead. He handed the findings over to the National Museum of History. In October 1934, the site was checked by archaeologist E. Šturms, who found the archaeological layer, typical for such settlements, in the landslides of the Pilsupe riverbanks. In 1936 he started larger excavations to continue by 1938. Totally seven, chronologically different settlements were detected and many artefacts found, including fragments of the so called Sārnate and pit-comb pottery, as well as some pieces of corded pottery. Based on these findings, the settlement is dated back to the beginning or middle of the 3rd millenary B.C., and it has been inhabited till the beginning of the 2nd millenary B.C. Especially remarkable are three clay figures in human shape which have probably been used for some religious cult purposes. Since 1993, archaeologist Ilzes Loze has discovered several pit-comb ware culture settlements in large area around Pūrciems village. They are known in research literature as „the Ģipka settlements”. |
The Buse (Matkule) castle hill is near the Imula River. From the castle hill and from the opposite shore of the river, you can find one of the loveliest views of Kurzeme’s small rivers. Their appearance is best when trees and other flora are bare and the view is unimpeded. A wonderful view of the Imula valley is also seen on the road to the castle hill – near the Buse homestead.
The nature trail was built in 2003 supported by the WWF, the Latvian Environment Protection Fund, the International volunteering organization supporting conservation initiatives in the United Kingdom (BTCV) involving volunteers from Nīca and Rucava municipal parishes. The trail exposes the surrounding landscapes and related biotopes – dunes, forest, grasslands and bog, as well as bird and animal species found there. On the trail, there is a bird watching tower and two birdwatcher hides. You can see the rivers Paurupe and Līgupe, beaver activity areas, grasslands, black alder forest, spruce forest, floodland, wild horses, aurochs, the Šķilu lime tree, the Holy Grove, the Ezerskolas sacrificial stone, the Pape ornithological field station, the Papes polder grasslands and the Pape lighthouse. There are resting places en route. The trail leads through the historical Ķoņu village with the traditional coastal fishing village architecture of buildings and yards. The trail is 9 km (5 km one way by a gravel road, returning 4km along the coastline). The trail is in the Pape nature park
This park is in a region of hillocks in the Karula highlands, and Lake Ähijärve is at its centre. The park offers a cultural environment of small farms, and it was set up to protect the unique cupola-shaped hillocks of the area. Main attractions: Scenic Lake Ähijärv (176ha), Rebasemõisa Tornimägi hill (137.8 m above sea level), undulating landscapes. |
This territory was established to protect the lovely central section of the Neries River, local species, and Lithuania’s largest oak forest.
The ancient Abava River Valley between Kandava and the place where the river flows into the Venta River is the most expressive river valley segment in Kurzeme in terms of landscape and terrain. The valley is 30 to 40 metres deep and as much as 300 metres wide. The territory is distinguished by great diversity of a biological nature (more than 800 kinds of plants), featuring many different biotopes and natural monuments such as streams, waterfalls, cliffs, huge rocks, and many cultural and historical monumentssmall towns such as Kandava and Sabile. In both cases, the town centres are national monuments of urban construction. Popular tourist destinations include Vīnakalns hill in Sabile, where wine-making grapes are grown, as well as the open-air art museum at Pedvāle. To protect cultural treasures, a cultural and historical territory, “Abava River Valley” has been established. Wild livestock live at Drubazas and Tēvkalni to “maintain” the landscape. There are nature trails for tourists, and the Abava is the most popular river for water tourists in Kurzeme. Information is available at the tourist information centres in Kandava and Sabile. such as castle hills, churches, ancient burial grounds, and