No | Name | Description |
The Bauska Nature Park runs for several dozen kilometres along the Lielupe River and its tributaries – the Mūsa and the Mēmele. This is a protected territory. The shores of these rivers contain some of the largest dolomite cliffs in Zemgale. These are protected both as biotopes and as geological monuments. The rivers are important places for river lampreys and vimbas to spawn. Tourists will be attracted by the cultural landscape of the area, as well as the cultural monuments such as the Bauska castle, the Jumpravmuiža park, the Mežotne castle hill, Vīna Hill, the Mežotne castle, etc. The rivers are used for water tourism. |
Kauņas jūras reģionālais parks (Kauno marių regioninis parkas) dibināts 1992. gadā. Tas ietver Nemunas HES uzpludināto posmu – lielāko Lietuvas ūdenskrātuvi no Kauņas līdz Piļonas (Piliuona) ciemam. Viena no nozīmīgākajām parka vērtībām ir ainava, kas veidojusies ilgā cilvēka un dabas mijiedarbībā. Parkā konstatētas 950 augu sugas, 600 dzīvnieku, - 34 zivju sugas. Parka nozīmīgas dabas vērtības ir meži, augstie purvi, kadiķu audze. Parkā ir apskatāmi dažādu vēsturisko periodu liecinieki – senču pilskalni, Pažaislis klosteris, Kauņas cietokšņa Piektais forts, kā arī Rumšišķes (Rumšiškės) brīvdabas muzejs – viens no lielākajiem (195 ha) šāda veida muzejiem Eiropā. Vaišvīdavā (Vaišvydava) ir izveidots parka apmeklētāju centrs, parkā ir dabas takas, piemēram, Žiegždriai ģeoloģiskā taka un Dubravos izziņas taka. |
Atrodas Skuķu ezera dienvidrietumu krastā. Sasniedzams no Putnu salas, ejot cauri dzīvei savvaļā pielāgoto mājlopu aplokiem un taku. No torņa labi pārskatāma Dvietes paliene (ūdeņainos pavasaros pārplūst) un aizaugušais Skuķu ezers. Laba putnu vērošanas vieta. Putnu salas Atālu mājās – vietējais gids. |
Latvia’s highest hill is the second highest in the Baltic States, but alas, it has only a wrecked viewing tower, so you’ll have to look for the best views on your own. You’ll find some around the tower and the ski trails, particularly Large and Small Golgotha. It is worth hiking the Gaiziņkalns nature trail.
Atrodas Numerenes dabas parka teritorijā. 20 m augstais tornis uzbūvēts uz t.s. Numerenes vaļņa, no kura paveras plaša ainava un aizaugošām lauksaimniecības zemēm un nelielu mitrāju ar Kugreņa ezeru austrumu virzienā. Torņa apkaimē izveidota izziņas taka. |
This nature park was established to protect the Burzava hillocks, Lake Adamova (a eutrophic lake), and the habitats and species that are found along the lake’s shores – bats included. The loveliest views of the area can be viewed from the hillocks that are on the northern shore of the lake. There are tourist accommodations on the shores of Lake Adamova where tourists can spend the night. |
The Buse (Matkule) castle hill is near the Imula River. From the castle hill and from the opposite shore of the river, you can find one of the loveliest views of Kurzeme’s small rivers. Their appearance is best when trees and other flora are bare and the view is unimpeded. A wonderful view of the Imula valley is also seen on the road to the castle hill – near the Buse homestead.
The territory is established in order to protect the dunes and the seashore habitats. There are beautiful beaches and wooded dunes, and the paved Klaipēda–Palanga bikeway trails through the park, which is worth travelling at full length. |
There are three large lakes at the centre of this park – Lake Dusia, Lake Metelys, and Lake Obelija. Lake Dusia has very clear and transparent water, and its southern and south-eastern beaches are popular among swimmers. The lakes and their nearby wetlands are important during the migration season of birds.
One of the highest dunes in Latvia, located between Bernāti and Jūrmalciems villages. It is 37m high and offers a magnificent view of the sea and natural pine forests. The highest dunes in Latvia stand to the South of Jūrmalciems village: the Pūsēnu hill, the Ķupu hill, the Mietragkalns or Tiesas hill, the Pāļu hill, the Garais hill, the Ātrais hill, the Lāvas hill. The Pūsēnu dune is the highest of these dunes which are all called hills by the local people. The Pūsēnu hill developed between 1785 to 1835 when shifting sand became extremely dangerous. Several homesteads were buried in sand, among them „Pūsēni”, where a forester’s family lived. The family is said to have moved to Bārta. The dune was named after the buried homestead. Jēkabs Janševskis, a Latvian writer, wrote in his book „Nīca”: “In olden times, large pine trees were growing in the dunes on the coast of Nīca and they stood steady and firm. But i Swedish times (around 1650), the Swedes built a large kiln for charcoal and tar. Pine wood and stumps provided an excellent material for this. Once a big fire rose, and the charcoal kiln burned down as well as the whole pine forest. The remaining stumps and bare trunks in the vast burnout could not hold the storm-driven sand; it flew further and further burying not only the burned-out forest, but also the nearest fields. In wintertime, when the vast, low marshy grasslands were covered with ice, jets of sand drifted further over its surface, and soon most of the grasslands and large meadows turned into sandy heath-land and dunes.” To reconstruct Liepāja, severely damaged during WWII, a silicate brick factory was built in the town. The main raw material was white sand and it was taken from the Bernātu forest. In the 1960-ies they started to dig off the Green Dune and the White Dune, later also the Pūsēnu hill. The excavators used to work day and night, in three shifts. The work stopped at around 1980, as there was no more sand suitable for production of brick. A trail is set up to facilitate walking in the Pūsēnu Dune in the Bernātu Nature Park. |
The viewing tower is in a seaside meadow near Mērsrags. It is an unusual type of biotope in Latvia and is located to the North of the Mērsrags port. The tower offers a good view of reed-filled meadows, areas where wild cattle have grazed, and an amazing wealth of different kinds of plants. |
4 km garā un marķētā taka iepazīstina ar dziļo Imulas ieleju – Abavas kreisā krasta pieteku. Īpaši iespaidīga ieleja izskatās bezlapu periodā, kad ir apjaušami tās izmēri un formas. Vēstures cienītāji var upes gultnē uzmeklēt Langsēdes Velna pēdas akmeni. Atrodas dabas parkā „Abavas senleja”. |
This is a small area with lots of different terrains – high hillocks, distinct river valleys, thermal streams, continental dunes, etc.
It is rare type of lake in Latvia and there are only of few this type of lakes in Kurzeme region. The lake is characterized by high water limpidness (very attractive for tourists) and very rare plant species for Latvia. Nature park includes the lake, costal area and forest on the East from the lake, few smaller lakes and Sarlote Pond. There are several tourist accommodations located around the lake.
The nature park near the town of Ogre is a popular place for leisure, hiking and, in the winter, cross-country skiing. Most of the park is covered with coniferous trees that are on a long and comparatively narrow line of hillocks with steep sides – another element of nature left behind in Latvia by the Ice Age. Many different plants can be found here. The Jaunogres castle hill is one of the most distinct hillocks in the area. |
The Tērvete Nature Park is located in an area which is not particularly typical of the Zemgale region – the distinct Tērvete River valley. Along its banks there are vast forests which have been nicely adapted to leisure activities. There are natural treasures, as well as an outstanding cultural and historical heritage in the area. The Tērvete Nature Park is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Zemgale. People are interested in the Park of Old Pines, the lovely pine forest, the Sprīdīši arboretum, the Tērvete, Klosterkalns and Svētkalns castle hills, the memorial museum “Sprīdīši” which commemorates the great Latvian author Anna Brigadere, various attractions for children, lovely landscapes, a dense network of pathways, etc. The nature park was nominated as the most family-friendly location in Latvia in 2004. |
The Mežotne castle hill is on the left bank of the Lielupe River and opposite the Mežotne Castle. This was one of the largest Semigalian fortified castle hills during the 9th to the 13th century, and an ancient town alongside the hill covered 13 ha of land. The castle hill has been improved. A pontoon bridge across the Lielupe allows hikers and bikers to reach the castle (between May and October). Vīna Hill is approximately 500 m to the South of the castle hill, and a wooden pathway leads to it. |
Engures apkaimē aug 22 no Latvijā sastopamajām 32 orhideju dzimtas sugām .Lai dabas parka apmeklētājiem dotu iespēju aplūkot šīs interesantās augu sugas, ierīkota Orhideju taka. Kopējais takas garums ir 3.5 km, tā sākas netālu no Engures Ornitoloģisko pētījumu centra, līkumo caur kalcifilajiem purviem un mežam putnu novērošanas torņa virzienā, un aizvijas tālāk gar atjaunoto ezera piekrastes pļavu, kurā mīt govis un zirgi. Takas sākumā novietotajā informācijas zīmē attēlotas ne tikai apkārtnē sastopamās orhidejas. Tur iespējams gūt daudzpusīgu informāciju arī par citām interesantām Engures ezera dabas parka augu sugām.
Ārkārtīgi ainaviska teritorija Augšzemes augstienes centrālajā daļā ar vairākiem ezeriem - Medumu, Lielo un Mazo Ilgas, Šķirsteņu un dažām mazākām ūdenstilpēm. Medumu ezera salām ir dabas lieguma statuss. Teritoriju šķērso vairāki grantēti ceļi, no kuriem dažviet paveras brīnišķīgas, bet nelabiekārtotas skatu vietas. Teritorijā atrodas Medumu katoļu baznīca. Piemērota teritorija dažādu aktīvā tūrisma veidu attīstībai. Dabas parks ietilpst Augšzemes aizsargājamo ainavu apvidū. |
We recommend that you walk through the town of Kandava not only to enjoy the charm of a small town, but also to find fantastic viewing locations where you can see the town and the shores of the ancient Abava River valley from the Kurši (Ancestor) castle hill, Lielā Street, the Bruņinieki castle hill and Zīļu Street (School Hill), as well as from the area of the Ozolāji open-air stage.