No Name Description
This park was set up to protect the lovely ancient valley of the Dubysa River. This is one of the most popular rivers for water tourism in Lithuania, because it has a significant drop with rapids and beautiful shorelines.
The viewing area is near the top of the Vilce castle hill, with a view of the Rukūze River valley, Zaķi meadow, and surrounding forests. This is an unusual landscape for the region of Zemgale. The Vilce baronial estate is nearby.
This park is found in the Otepää highlands and offers an outstanding example of how the terrain of a protected natural territory can be used for recreation, sports and active leisure. The infrastructure of the park is perfect for such activities and is of a high level of quality.
The Neļķes cliffs are in Skaņākalns Park, and they offer the most beautiful view of the Salaka River valley, with its sandstone cliffs and peaceful river. There are good views from the “devil’s pulpit.” It’s worth visiting the Skaņamkalns Hill to check out the views from the famous echo cliff. This is part of the ZBR.
Established: 1931. The arboretum was set up at the suggestion of Latvia’s distinguished author Anna Brigadere. After her death and until 1935, the arboretum was supported and expanded by book publisher Jānis Rapa. There are some 180 foreign trees and shrubs of various kinds here. Some of the plants are outside the arboretum itself. Unique plants: The Bunge’s Ash (Fraxinus chinensis), the Eastern Black Walnut (Juglans nigra), the American Buckeye (Aesculus glabra), the Smoketree (Cotinus coggyria), the White Mulberry (Morus Alba), and the Kentucky Yellowwood (Cladrastis kentukea).
This park is located along the shores of the Tērvete River Valley. It is a vast forested area which has been adapted successfully for travellers. In 2004, it was nominated as the most family - friendly destination in the land. There is a web of trails for one-day hikes. Viewing tower on the shore of the Tērvete River, views also from the Tērvete castle hill and Zviedru (Swedish) Hill.

Meklējams pie Gulbjiem – Dvietes senlejas informācijas centra. No torņa labi pārskatāma ūdeņiem bagātos pavasaros pārplūstošā Dvietes paliene, dzīvei savvaļā pielāgoto mājlopu aploki un izlīkumotā Dvietes upīte.

Dabas parks, kura lielāko daļu aizņem neprastās formas un līčiem bagātais Cārmaņa (arī Cārmins) ezers. Ezera ūdens ir ļoti tīrs, tādēļ tajā sastopamas Latvijai retas augu sabiedrības. Tā kā parka teritorijā nav tūristiem veidota infrastruktūra, interesenti var baudīt skatus, kas paveras uz ezera un tā apkārtni no Aulejas – Grāveru ceļa.
This is one of the highest points among the hillocks of the Selonian area of Zemgale – Borīškalns Hill. From the tower, you will see Lake Sauka, as well as the forests and farmland which surround it. The “Kalna Ļūdāni” farm is nearby, and its owner uses his livestock to help to maintain the surrounding landscape.
One of the most attractive and informative nature trails in the environs of Rīga. It leads the visitor around the 17-metre Ragakāpa dune, which is most interesting. People can learn about the habitats of the dune areas and the plants and animals of the area. Some of the pine trees are as much as 100 years old and more. The trail is 2km long in each direction and will take some two hours to traverse. This is part of the Ragakāpa nature park.

This nature park covers an area of the Baltic Sea coast and part of newly established sea protected area "Nida - Pērkone" with sand dunes which once used to move around but have now settled. These are the highest dunes in Latvia. Visitors will enjoy the coastal landscape, sandy beaches and small fishing villages of the area. A nature trail has been established on Pūsēni Hill (one of the highest dunes in Latvia) for those who wish to tour the nature park.


The wooden tower was built and stands 28 metres high. It is at the top of the highest hillock of the Northern Courlandian Highlands – Kamparkalns Hill (175 metres above sea level). The tower offers one of the loveliest views in the region of the hillocks of Talsi. On a clear day, you can see all the way to the Bay of Rīga and Talsi.


Kauņas jūras reģionālais parks (Kauno marių regioninis parkas) dibināts 1992. gadā. Tas ietver Nemunas HES uzpludināto posmu – lielāko Lietuvas ūdenskrātuvi no Kauņas līdz Piļonas (Piliuona) ciemam. Viena no nozīmīgākajām parka vērtībām ir ainava, kas veidojusies ilgā cilvēka un dabas mijiedarbībā. Parkā konstatētas 950 augu sugas, 600 dzīvnieku, - 34 zivju sugas. Parka nozīmīgas dabas vērtības ir meži, augstie purvi, kadiķu audze. Parkā ir apskatāmi dažādu vēsturisko periodu liecinieki – senču pilskalni, Pažaislis klosteris, Kauņas cietokšņa Piektais forts, kā arī Rumšišķes (Rumšiškės) brīvdabas muzejs – viens no lielākajiem (195 ha) šāda veida muzejiem Eiropā. Vaišvīdavā (Vaišvydava) ir izveidots parka apmeklētāju centrs, parkā ir dabas takas, piemēram, Žiegždriai ģeoloģiskā taka un Dubravos izziņas taka.

One of the few places in Latvia where there are so many well-organised pathways. The region is known for castle hills, the location where the great Latvian author Anna Brigadere (1861-1933) lived and worked, the storybook character figures that are scattered around that area, a great forest, an arboretum, a museum of history, a viewing tower, landscapes, etc. This has been recognised as the most family-friendly place in the country.
Ar mežiem, purviem un ezeriem (Riču, Sila u.c.) bagāta teritorija Latvijas - Baltkrievijas pierobežā. Galvenās aizsargājamās dabas vērtības - dažāda veida purvu, mežu un ezeru biotopi un tajos mītošās augu un dzīvnieku sugas. Ezeru krastos, kurus iecienījuši vietējie atpūtnieki, atrodas vairākas naktsmītnes. Ilgas muiža (celta 19. gs. kā medību pils) ir Daugavpils Universitātes studentu prakses vieta. Silenes dabas parkā ietilpst arī Glušonkas purva un Ilgas dabas liegumi.

The Vilce Nature Park is small in size and exists alongside the deep valleys of the Vilce River and its tributaries. Biotopes include visible sandstone cliffs, rapids on the rivers, forests typical of such areas, and the plants and animals that are found therein. The well-appointed Vilce castle hill is next to the Zaķu meadow, which is a nicely appointed and popular place for recreation.

The terrain in this territory was created during the Ice Age. There are the ancient river valleys of the Minija, Salantas and Erla rivers, along with groups of rocks.

An important complex of the coastline and its sand dunes along with the mouths of three major rivers – the Lielupe, the Daugava and the Gauja. This area has ancient traditions of recreation and spa services. The territory has lovely shoreline landscapes and features one of the few coastline meadows in Latvia. The nature park includes several restricted areas – the meadows of the Lielupe estuary, Vakarbuļļi, Daugavgrīva, Vecdaugava and Ummis (see the section on “Restricted Natural Areas”). Interesting elements of nature in this area include the amphitheatre of the Garciems dunes, along with individual dunes such as the Legzdiņi dune and the so-called ski mountain dune. Visitors will be attracted by various cultural and historical monuments – fortifications on the Mangaļi peninsula, military buildings from the period of the Russian tsars all the way through the late period of the Soviet occupation, the fortress of Daugavgrīva, the Vecāķi spa with its old shoreline buildings, and the beaches at Daugavgrīva and Vecāķi. The proximity of the city of Rīga and various important recreational resources are the reason for the massive anthropogenic burden that is placed on this territory. The nature park is appropriate for active tourism (hiking, bicycling, boating, driving), distance skiing, nature and bird-watching, cultural tourism, passive leisure and educational tourism. There are nature trails at Daugavgrīva and the Rožu dunes, along with other elements of infrastructure.

The most important aspects of this park are a shallow lagoon-type lake – Lake Pape, with its flood land meadows, the shore of the Baltic Sea, the Nida swamp, and the more than 270 different types of birds that have been spotted here. The oldest bird ringing station in Latvia (est. 1966) is found between Lake Pape and the Baltic Sea. Birds and bats are caught and ringed there. Lake Pape is the first place in Latvia where so-called “wild” horses (the “Konik” breed) were released with the aim of managing the flood land meadows.

2015. gadā uzceltais skatu tornis atrodas dabas parkā „Daugavas loki”, Daugavas ielejas kreisajā krastā – Daugavpils novada Vescalienas pagastā. No torņa aplūkojama izcilā Daugavas loku ainava.