No Name Description
The main “treasure” in this restricted area is the shallow and eutrophic lake, which is home to many important birds. The lake and its flood-land meadows also feature many different plants. The Svētupe River flows from the northern part of the lake.

Dabas liegumā "Lielie Kangari" atrodas 33 metrus augsts skatu tornis, kura virsotnē atrodas platforma, no kuras paveras skats uz Kangaru ezeru un Lielkangaru purvu. Dabas liegumā izbūvēta arī nepilnu divu kilometru gara pastaigu taka ar tiltiņiem un skatu platformu pie ezera.  Takas sākumā izvietotais veselības maršruts ikvienu apmeklētāju aicina kārtīgi izvingroties un izkustēties. Apmeklētāju informēšanai un izglītošanai visas takas garumā izvietoti arī informatīvie stendi ar fotogrāfijām, kas apvieno varenu stāstu un teiku kopumu par notikumiem, vietām, tēliem un parādībām dažādās apkārtnes vietās. 


At the centre of this restricted area is the eutrophic Lake Tosmare, a former lagoon from the Littorina Sea. The lake and its surroundings offer protection to many plants and birds. At the southern end of the lake one can spot remnants of the former Liepāja fortification system, and to the West is one of the most important parts of that system – the Fortress canal.

One of few places in Latvia (around 1 km to the North from Lapmezciems) where used to be beautiful juniper meadows. Since no agriculture activity (grass cutting, cattle grazing) has been implemented in the area, juniper meadows are overgrowing and disappearing. To save the area sustainable management is needed. Slitere National Park with Blue Mountain cliff and Slitere lighthouse is located in short distance from Kadiku nora (Juniper meadow).

Lake Liepāja is shallow and eutrophic (around 40%), and it is one of the most important lakes on the shores of the Baltic Sea for nesting and migrating birds (resting and feeding place). More than 100 different species of birds have been spotted there. The lake is no less important for plants which flourish in salty biotopes. On the north-eastern shore of Lake Liepāja (Vītiņu meadow) there are flood-land plains which are the home to domestic animals which have been adapted to life in the wild. There is also a viewing tower, available upon request with the guide. The system of dams along the south-western part of the lake can be hiked or biked (extreme!) to find lots of interesting viewing areas and landscapes. In the surrounding of the lake there are ruins of unique former fortification systems.


Vairākas salas Zvirgzdenes ezerā, uz kurām saglabājušies platlapju (ozolu, liepu) meži ar bagātīgu zemsedzes floru. Salas var redzēt no ceļiem, kas piekļaujas ezera ziemeļu un austrumu krastam.

The restricted area was established to protect this part of the Ogre River valley, which has ancient river beds and meadows with relevant biotopes and populations. Among these are the wych elm and the European white elm, which are not often found in Latvia.

This lime swamp of grasses is in an area among dunes which floods from time to time, and it is an important location for many protected plants. The swamp is easily surveyed from the forested dunes which are on the south-eastern side of the swamp.

A diverse stand of forest that is bisected by the Vidzeme highway and the Rīga-Lugaži railroad line. This is a place where the largest endangered bird in the world – the European roller – can be found. Between one-quarter and one-fifth of the Latvian population of the crow is found here. This, too, is one of the last nesting places for the green woodpecker.
This is a large set of coastal meadows, ancient rivers and areas of reeds. It is found at a location where the Daugava River used to flow – between Vecmīlgrāvis and Vecāķi. There are inland dune meadows here, complete with the very rare silver grass. Vecdaugava is an important location for nesting birds and several uncommon plant species. On the southern end of the Vecdaugava peninsula, at a place called Skanstnieki, one can find remnants of medieval Swedish fortifications. The Vecdaugava Regional Research and Fishing Museum is here, as well.

The tower is locatede in the Niedrāji-Pilka swamp. Access it via the old Ainaži-Valmiera-Smiltene narrow gauge rail line, which dates back to 1912, and then take the wooden footpaths which are approximately one kilometre long. This is a high-type swamp with small lakes at the foot of the tower. It is in the ZBR.


This is a mostly forested territory which is home to one of the largest areas of the white mistletoe, which is a semi-parasitic plant. It is best to observe this unique plant when it has no leaves. Latvia is the northern limit to the white mistletoe, which is why it is not all that common. It is interesting that even more of this rare specie can be seen outside of the nature restricted area.


Dabas liegumā ietilpst divi aizauguši ezeri ar grūti pieejamiem krastiem - Lielais un Mazais Asūnes ezers, kas atrodas dienvidos no Asūnes ciema. Abus ezerus var vērot, atrodoties ārpus lieguma teritorijas - no blakus esošo pauguru augstākajām daļām, kas atrodas austrumos no abiem ezeriem. Ja līdzi būs paņemts tālskatis, iespējams, izdosies iztālēm novērot šeit esošās aizsargājamās putnu sugas, piemēram, melno zīriņu.

This restricted area was established to protect a high-type swamp, a swampy forest and a series of rare birds. The Niedrāji-Pilka swamp can be crossed with dry feet while enjoying almost virginal nature. This is possible on the narrow-gauge railroad embankment which runs through the swamp for three to four kilometres from the North-east to the South-west, or on the well-appointed circular wood pathway which is on the eastern size of the embankment.
Most of this restricted area is made up of a shallow and eutrophic body of water in which many species of birds, including some that are rare and protected, nest. Specialists say that anywhere between 150 and 450 pairs of black-headed gulls nest in this area on a regular basis.
This is one of the most interesting protected territories in the city of Rīga, and its aim is to protect coastline biotopes – dune and coastal meadows and the birds and plants which are found there (among them, 29% of the species of orchids). There is a marked information trail with a bird-watching tower. This is the only outdoor viewing tower in Latvia that has been adapted for the needs of people in wheelchairs.
The restricted area protects the seashore meadows of the Lielupe River estuary, which are a very uncommon habitat in Latvia. The restricted area is on the left bank of the river, where one of the largest areas of wild swamp angelica is found. This is an important nesting area for birds. The territory is not improved for tourism, and it should be viewed from the Baltā (White) dune that is on the opposite bank of the Lielupe River. From there, the visitor will see a lovely landscape featuring the river estuary and the meadows which are around it.
One of the most distinct sub-glacial depressions in Latvia, with 11 lakes of various sizes and depths. This is a magnificently lovely territory, with particularly good views from the Drusku castle hill. On a clear day, one can even see the Hanja highlands of Estonia. The restricted territory was set up to protect boreal and hillside forests I the area.

Atrodas Burtnieka ezera austrumu krastā – uz ezera poldera dambja. Pavasara un rudens migrāciju laikā – laba putnu vērošanas vieta. Putni redzami ne tikai ezera piekrastē, bet arī poldera mitrajās pļavās.

This is another so-called hill left behind by the Ice Age – five kilometres long with a height of between 15 and 30 metres and with high hillocks and steep hillsides. Te most distinct part of the hill can be found between Lake Pinti and Lake Šeški. The pine forests on the hillocks are a habitat with many rare and protected species. A trail has been established to tour Grebļa Hill, as well as Āža Hill and Kausu Hill, but it is recommended that visitors travel the trail in the company of a guide. The biological diversity of the area is made clear if one knows, for instance, that more than 500 kinds of butterflies have been found in the restricted territory.