No | Name | Description |
Plieņciema taka atrodas dabas liegumā "Plieņciema kāpa" starp Plieņciemu un Ķesterciemu. Pāri kāpai ir izveidota laipu taka un atpūtas vieta. Taka ir izveidota, lai mazinātu negatīvo ietekme uz Plieņciema kāpas dabas vērtībām – zemsedzes nomīdīšanu, piegružošanu ar atkritumiem, braukšanu ar autotransportu.
Peat moss has been extracted from the Seda heath since the middle of the last century, but it is nevertheless one of the most important NATURA 2000 territories in Latvia, with a great diversity of landscapes, biotopes and biology – birds in particular. This is a good place for bird-watching during migration season, and viewing towers have been set up on the edge of the swamp for this purpose.
Nature restricted area is located to the South from former railroad Ventspils-Liepaja and includes approximately 6 km of Uzava River (and the old drainage system). The territory was used for agriculture during Soviet time, now it starts overgrow by scrubs. The protected nature values – rare bird species, including corncrakes, variety of grassland habitats and plant species. Territory is not useable for tourism activities. There is a possibility to get good insight into the North part of restricted area from the road Alsunga – Berzkalns where information stand is located.
Nature restricted area has been established in old and overgrowing gravel pit and where rare species in Latvia - Natterjack toad (Bufo calamita) can be found. Natterjack toad needs open sand – gravel area therefore the population of it is decreasing once gravel pit is overgrowing by bushes. The population of this amphibian is depending on the activity of people in the area. There is very little chance to find Natterjack toad just by entering the restricted area, therefore please respect this area as especially sensitive.
This territory was established to protect the rare tree specie in Latvia - common hornbeam, which covers approximately 4% of the territory, but the most visually interesting part of the area is the Tīrspurvs swamp, also known as the Dunika heath. This is where the visitor will find Latvia’s longest and most impressive swamp footpaths, which crosses the area from the North to the South. Visitors will be fascinated by the unique landscape of the central part of the swamp, where in some places there are not even small swamp pine trees. Various habitats will be found – small swamp lakes, mineral islands, marsh pools, etc., and that is to say nothing of all the birds in the area. |
Above and below the town of Kuldīga, the Venta River is distinguished by a variety of biotopes – hillside forests, sandstone and dolomite cliffs, meadows, protected plants and animals, and diverse landscapes. There are popular tourism objects in this part of Kurzeme – the Venta dam, the stone bridge of Kuldīga, the Veckuldīga castle hill, etc. An ecological tourism trail runs along the banks of the Venta, and a bicycling trail has been installed on its left bank. |
The main “treasure” in this restricted area is the shallow and eutrophic lake, which is home to many important birds. The lake and its flood-land meadows also feature many different plants. The Svētupe River flows from the northern part of the lake.
This small restricted area protects the Swedish juniper and the lime meadows in which it grows. There is a marked circular trail which allows visitors to study one of the few but excellent stands of juniper in Latvia. The bushes are 50 to 70 years old, and all around them are interesting habitats, plants and animals. Natural stands of juniper in the Baltic States are the result of farm work such as reaping, chopping, etc., as well as of herding of sheep and other livestock. A small part of the area is still “managed” by sheep. Unfortunately many junipers have died because of overgrowing of territory. |
This area is full of coastline meadows, lagoons, muddy little lakes and sandy shallows, all full of reeds. This area of the eastern shore of the Bay of Rīga is found between Ainaži and Kuiviži. The Randa meadows are an enormously important location for water birds and rare plants – some 500 in all. A new bird-watching tower and a nature trail have been established for those who wish to study the meadows.
Dabas liegums veidots salīdzinoši neliela pārejas tipa purva aizsardzībai. Purvu lieliski var pārredzēt no nelielā skatu torņa.
This is an area that is full of legend and tale. There is a stiff hillock, which stands about 66 metres above the surrounding land. From its southern side, you can see the Burtnieki lowlands. The tower, however, is not open to the public.
The restricted area was set up to protect Nesaule Hill, which is a forested hillock in the area and features boreal and damp forests.
Dabas liegumā "Pilskalnes Siguldiņa" ir izveidota dabas taka - kājinieku tūrisma maršruts – t.s. Augšzemes ainavu taka, kas sākas Pilskalnē un beidzas pie Driģeņu mājām. Tā izlīkumo ezeru krastus, šķērso purvu (laipas). Apmeklētājiem, arī bērniem, izveidotas arī īsākas - lokālas takas. Pieejami dažādu taku garumi: 1,6 km, 3,8 km, 8 km. |
Dabas liegums veidots ezera, tā salu, ainavas, augu, putnu un sikspārņu aizsardzībai. Liegumu var apskatīt "no malas" - no ceļa, kas iet gar tā ziemeļu un ziemeļaustrumu robežu.
This is a large set of coastal meadows, ancient rivers and areas of reeds. It is found at a location where the Daugava River used to flow – between Vecmīlgrāvis and Vecāķi. There are inland dune meadows here, complete with the very rare silver grass. Vecdaugava is an important location for nesting birds and several uncommon plant species. On the southern end of the Vecdaugava peninsula, at a place called Skanstnieki, one can find remnants of medieval Swedish fortifications. The Vecdaugava Regional Research and Fishing Museum is here, as well.
The tower is locatede in the Niedrāji-Pilka swamp. Access it via the old Ainaži-Valmiera-Smiltene narrow gauge rail line, which dates back to 1912, and then take the wooden footpaths which are approximately one kilometre long. This is a high-type swamp with small lakes at the foot of the tower. It is in the ZBR. |
This is a diverse territory in terms of biotopes and landscapes, and the restricted area was established to protect nesting and migrating birds in the area. One part of the swamp has a cranberry farm – one of the first artificially established farms of its type in Latvia.
This is part of a hiking trail along the Cena bog. It is on the western side of the bog, at the centre of the 5-kilometre circular trail. You can see the vast swamp, as well as a military road that was installed during World War I and is marked by an “alley” of large pine trees. Alongside the tower is a fragment of the road that was installed more recently.
The tower is in the western part of the Vasenieki swamp, and an interesting nature trail with information stands and pathways was recently established there. The tower offers a look at unique swampland – visitors can survey the entire swamp. Wear proper footwear when it is damp outside!
This is Latvia’s largest lake island and is found in the middle of Lake Usma. The island is restricted to protect old stands of pine, as well as various plants and birds. |