No Name Description

Teiči Nature Reserve — untouched territory, bogs, and birds. This is a significant bird resting place before seasonal migrations. Here you can see up to 1,500 cranes and 8,000 geese at once. The bog is a mating-place for black-cocks, therefore if you are near in an early spring, listen, and maybe you will hear these majestic mating calls.
You can get acquainted with this unique nature territory when accompanied by a guide and taking an excursion to Sildi trail that has been renovated in 2013. After a walk in the length of about 3 kilometres on well-improved wooden footbridges, you will reveal amazing and untouched bog landscape. Here you can know more about different bog types (raised moss, transition, and grass bogs), see pools and puddles from the safe ground of the bog’s footbridges, as well as enjoy the blueness of two bog lakes (lakes Sildi and Dzērvīte) and visit the bog island Siksala. 

The trail can be visited only with the Nature Conservation Agency employee's escort from June 1 until October 31.


No 28 m augstā torņa, kas atrodas uz apdzīvotas „salas” – Siksalas Teiču purva vidū, paveras ļoti plaša augstā purva ainava ar Siksalas ezeru, citām minerālzemes salām un Siksalas mazciemu. Tā kā tornis atrodas Teiču dabas rezervātā, to var apmeklēt tikai Dabas aizsardzības pārvaldes inspektora pavadībā, iepriekš piesakot vizīti T: + 371 28333415.


The Teiči Nature Reserve was established in 1982 and is one of the largest areas of moss swamps in the Baltic region. It consists of the Teiči and the Pelečāre swamps, with a variety of plants and animals, as well as adjacent territories which are under protection. The Teiči swamp is the largest nesting ground for a number of bird species, including the common crane, the whimbrel, the golden plover and the wood sandpiper. During migratory seasons, thousands of geese of various kinds are found in the area. The reserve can be toured only in the company of a guide from reserve headquarters, and one must apply in advance for such a tour. Visitors will see the pathway of footbridges on Lake Silda, as well as Siksala island, which offers a magnificent view of Latvian swampland from a viewing tower.


Atrodas pie Jēkabpils – Rēzeknes autoceļa (A 12), - autostāvlaukuma malā. No torņa redzama samērā plaša Teiču purva daļa ar atsevišķām salām (kokiem apauguši paaugstinājumi) augstā purva ainavā. Teiču purvam ir dabas rezervāta statuss, tādēļ apmeklējams ir tikai tornis.


Labiekārtota (informācijas stendi, atpūtas vietas) un marķēta taka, kas ved apkārt Kokšu ezeru virknei, kurā ietilpst Zāļu, Dziļais un Dibena ezers. Iepazīstami mežu biotopi, dzīvnieki un to darbības pēdas. Iespējami trīs dažādi takas izziešanas varianti: 7 km, 4,5 km, 2,7 km. Maršrutu var braukt ar divriteni. Ietilpst Ziemeļvidzemes biosfēras rezervātā.


The Krustkalni Nature Reserve was established in 1977, and the diversity of plants in the region is based both on the terrain – the Madona-Trepe embankment, a series of hillocks with low areas among them, swamps and small lakes – and on the biotope – natural meadows, forest glades, places where underground streams bubble up to the surface, and vast areas of forest with very old stands of trees. Some 800 types of plants have been defined in the reserve. It can be toured only in the company of a guide from reserve headquarters, and one must apply in advance. Visitors can visit the Krāku streams, Lake Svēte-Dreimaņi, and other sites.

This reserve dates back to Lake Ancilus, which was one of the original elements of what is now the Baltic Sea. The lake’s ancient shores feature wetlands, forests and flora which are all protected by the reserve.

This is Lithuania’s largest mossy swamp, and the Čepkeliu Nature Reserve was established to protect it.  Before visiting the swamp, you must register at the Dzūkijos National Park’s visitor centre (Marcinkonys, Šilagėlių gatve 11).


This is Latvia’s oldest nature reserve and, indeed, the country’s oldest protected natural territory. Moricsala is an island in Lake Usma, which is the fifth largest lake in Latvia. The reserve was established in 1912 at the initiative of a group of nature students from Rīga. They wished to protect the deciduous forest of oak trees on the island, along with the local flora and fauna. The nature reserve also includes the Lielalksnīte island. Visits to the reserve, however, are strictly prohibited.


The word grīnis in Latvian refers to a very unusual type of forest – pine trees growing on sandy soil. There are two types of this environment – the heather type and the grass type. This is the result of long-lasting interaction between nature and humankind, and such sites are found in just a few places along the shores of the Baltic Sea in Latvia. A very rare plant which grows in the area – cross-leaved heath – was the main reason why a nature reserve was established here in 1936. An abandoned former rail line between Ventspils and Liepāja crosses the reserve from the North to the South. Visits to the reserve are strictly prohibited.