No Name Description
Samērā liela teritorija ar mozaīkveida ainavu - mežiem, atklātām ainavām un ezeriem (Salmejs, Kaučers, Stupānu ezers, Limanu ezers u.c.), kas atrodas Latgales augstienes Feimaņu pauguraines rietumdaļā. Aizsargājamo ainavu apvidus veidots šejienes dabas un kultūrainavas (apdzīvotās vietas, Tišas vecticībnieku lūgšanas nams, krucifiksi) un daudzveidīgo biotopu ( - sugu) aizsardzībai. Apvidū atrodas arī samērā populārs tūrisma objekts - Šnepstu pilskalns.
From the highest point in the Alūksne highlands, you will see an unusually beautiful view of the surrounding forested hillocks and the small areas of meadows and farmland. Sadly, there are no improvements to the location, which can be difficult to access. It is on private property.
Taka veidota gar Gaujas labo krastu augšpus un lejpus Gaujienas un tā iepazīstina ar nogāžu mežu un dažādu pļavu biotopiem. Visā tās garumā izvietoti informatīvi stendi. Takas daļu lejpus Gaujienas var braukt ar velosipēdu.

This is a territory that is unique at the Latvian and the Baltic level, one which stretches from Valmiera to the Gulbene District. Here we find the irregular Gauja River valley with a dense system of ancient rivers. The meadows on the banks of these rivers are important in terms of biological diversity. There are stands of oak and broad-leaf trees. Many rare and protected birds live and next here – the corn-crake, the woodpecker, etc. The territory is excellent for bird watching, nature studies, ecological tourism and various kinds of active tourism.

The main goal of the Vestiena protected landscape area is to protect the landscape values in the Vidzeme highlands. The protected area is in the middle of the Vidzeme highlands with the highest and most prominent relief, including Gaiziņkalns, the highest spot in the country. The many lakes found in the area - Viešūrs, Talejas, Kāls, Pulgosnis and others – not only add to the variety of the landscape, but also offer tourism and recreation options. The Vestiena protected landscape area encloses several other especially protected/Natura2000 sites – the Gaiziņkalna nature park, the island of the lake Kāla, the lake Ilziņa restricted natural area. Among the most interesting tourist attractions are the Vestiena estate, the Piekūnu wandering trails, the Gaiziņkalna nature trail. The area is rich in landscapes, however, there are no viewing spots or towers installed to observe the landscape. On the top of the Gaiziņkalns, the Latvia’s highest spot, there still stands the wreck of the former viewing tower.

Takas sākums atrodas pie Veclaicenes pagasta pārvaldes (autosvālaukums). Tā izlokas gar Ievas, Trumulīša un Raipala ezeru dienvidu krastiem un pa ziemeļu krastu nogāzēm atgriežas atpakaļ sākumpunktā. Apļveida takas garums – ap 8 km. Atrodas Augšzemes aizsargājamo ainavu apvidū, Kornetu – Peļļu subglaciālajā vagā.


This territory was established to protect various kinds of rare butterflies A popular tourist destination in the Nīcgaļi forests is the great rock of Nīcgale, which is the largest rock in Latvia – a geological and geo-morphological monument of nature. The rock has a circumference of 31.1 metres, and it is 3.5 metres high, 10.5 metres long and 10.4 metres wide for a total size of 170 m3.

The Markova information trail is the most diverse and impressive trails along the upper reaches of the Daugava river in terms of objects and landscapes. The visitor will go to the top of the Markova castle hill, which offers a great view of the river valley. The deep Putāni stream valley will be crossed to get to the cliffs on the right bank of the Daugava. Here, the visitor will see one of the most unusual landscapes of Latvia’s river valleys. There is the Slutišķi village of Old Believers, along with the mighty Slutišķi cliff in the background. The trail is 1.6km long, and it will take an hour or two, particularly if the visitor chooses to tour the village and the homes of the Old Believers.
The area known as the territory of high hillocks has several heights – Lakta Hill (250 metres above sea level), Egļu Hill (268 metres above sea level), and Bākūži Hill (272 metres above sea level). They are connected by an earthen road – it’s worth hiking the trail to find the best viewing areas. A very fine view of the backs of hillocks in the Vidzeme highlands can be seen from the northern side of Lakta Hill.
This is a stretched-out territory from Valmiera to the Ape Administrative District, and its primary “axis” is the unregulated Gauja River valley with a dense web of old rivers, park-like meadows of oak trees on their banks, and stands of oaks and other broadleaf trees. Many rare and protected birds, including corn-crakes, woodpeckers, wood grouses and others live and breed here. This is also one of the most important places in Latvia in terms of where the deciduous tree hermit beetle lives.

Informatīvi bagāta un interesanta dabas izziņas taka, kas ved pa Gaujas tuvumā esošajiem krasta biotopiem – boreāliem mežiem, nogāžu mežiem, gar vecupi, jauktiem lapu koku un platlapju mežiem, kā arī parkveida ozolu pļavām. Ziemeļgaujas aizsargājamo ainavu apvidū esošie meži ir vieni no sugām daudzveidīgākajiem Latvijā. Taka ir marķēta, izveidotas skatu platformas, izvietoti informatīvie stendi.

Kopējais takas garums: 2,2 km


This territory was established so as to preserve the natural and cultural landscape of the most distinct part of the Alūksne highlands – a landscape which is made up of the highest hillocks in the area – Dēliņkalns Hill, Dieva Hill, Saules Hill, the Drusku castle hill, and the Kornetu-Peļļu sub-glacial river bed (one of the most significant terrain differences in Latvia). There are lakes, too – Lake Pilskalns, Lake Dzērve, Lake Ieva, Lake Raipals, etc. There are also significant biotopes – hillside and gully forests, various kinds of swamps and meadows, damp forests, etc., all with their own species of flora and fauna. There are nature trails and tracks for cross-country and downhill skiing in the area. There are three restricted natural areas in the territory – Korneti-Peļļi, the Avotu forest, and Dēliņkalns Hill.

This is a view worth a journey from a distance. This is an impressive terrain for Latvia, and here you will see as far as the Hanja highlands of Estonia, where the Great Munameģis Hill – the highest surface in the Baltic States – can be found.
This area was established to protect the cultural and lake-related landscapes of the central section of the Vidzeme highlands, with Lake Alauksts, Lake Inesis, Lake Tauns, etc., with their species and biotopes.  There are many important cultural objects in this territory – the Vecpiebalga Lutheran Church, the Vecpiebalga castle ruins, the Vecpiebalga baronial estate, as well as locations where several distinguished figures from the Latvian world of culture have lived and worked.  Memorial museums have been established to commemorate them.  The lakes are great for fishing, and cross-country competitions are traditionally held in the area of Lake Alauksts during the winter.  The Sproģi nature reserve has been established on the islands and peninsula of Lake Inesis.

Atrodas 6,5 km ziemeļos no Cirgaļiem, P 23 ceļa malā, Ziemeļgaujas aizsargājamo ainavu apvidū. Torni vērts apmeklēt pavasara laikā, kad no tā redzamas applūdušas Gaujas palienes.


Interesanta dabas izziņas taka, kurā izvietoti informatīvie stendi, kas stāsta par dažādiem pļavu biotopiem – sausām, palieņu un parkveida ozolu pļavām un tās iemītniekiem. Pļavas nogana dzīvei savvaļā pielāgotie mājlopi.


The aim of this territory is to regulate the natural and cultural landscapes of the upper reaches of the Daugava River valley, where there is a great deal of biological diversity. Nature trails have been installed in the park, as have bicycle routes. The river is good for boating in this area, too. The Curves of the Daugava nature park is part of the territory (see “Nature Parks”).


Baltijas mērogā unikāls dabas un cilvēkizmantots apvidus, kas veidojies kādreiz - padomju, mūsdienās - Latvijas Nacionālo bruņoto spēku pārvaldītā armijas poligona teritorijā. Poligona lielāko daļu aizņem smilšains vai ar zemiem lakstaugiem un krūmāju apaudzis kāpu masīvs ar atsevišķiem lielākiem kāpu vaļņiem. Rudens laikā šeit lielās platībās zied virši. Unikālā virsāju un aprimušo kāpu ainava un daudzu sugu dzīves vieta bija daži no iemesliem, kādēļ šai militārai teritorijai ir piešķirts arī aizsargājamas dabas teritorijas statuss. Jāatgādina, ka poligona apmeklējumi privātpersonām bez iepriekšēja saskaņojuma ir aizliegti!



This territory is meant to protect the large hillocks and lakes of the Augšzeme highlands – Lake Svente, Lake Medums, Lake Ilga and others, with their islands, landscapes and species. The nature park which has been established around Lake Svente and Lake Medums is part of this territory, and there are several areas that are restricted for environmental reasons – Lake Bardinskis, Lake Skujine, and the islands of Lake Medums and Lake Svente. There is a viewing tower on Egļukalns Hill, along with downhill ski routes.

This is the highest church tower in Latvia, and from it you can see views of the Alūksne highlands. The view to the South is particularly impressive.