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Latvia’s newest national park (2007) is in the “land of the blue lakes” – the region of Latgale. One of the goals of establishing a national park was to preserve the natural treasures of the region. Lake Rāzna, which is the second largest in Latvia, is there, as is Lake Ežezers, which has more island than any other lake in Latvia. There are other bodies of water, as well as typical landscapes of hillocks and a unique cultural environment. One of the most popular destinations in the park is Mākoņkalns Hill, which offers a lovely view of Lake Rāzna. Administrators of the newly established park are working on the tourist infrastructure – trails, routes, etc. Perhaps visitors would be advised to postpone their trip to the Rāzna National Park for awhile.

This is one of the most popular bird-watching locations in Estonia, and during spring and autumn migration there are a great many different kinds of birds resting and feeding in the meadows and shallow coastal waters of the Bay of Matsalu and the Kasari River.

Within easy reach of the Finnish capital of Helsinki, visitors can escape into wild natural settings and enjoy typically Finnish scenery, with lovely lakes, green forests and rugged crags. The nearby Finnish Nature Centre Haltia spotlights the best of Finland's natural treasures from across the country.


The word “Soomaa” means “land of the swamps” in Estonian. There are several major swamps in this area, along with rivers, lowland meadows, wetland forests, and other biotopes that are of key importance in terms of the diversity of species. Major floods occur here in the spring, which is known by locals as the “fifth season''. The fifth season is the best time to explore the landscape of Soomaa.


This is the first national park in Estonia and the Baltic States. Perfect for a day trip out from Tallinn for a hiking trip and nature watching. It was established in 1971 to protect the area that is along the Bay of Finland – the shoreline, forests, swamps, meadow biotopes, species, natural monuments, rocks, waterfalls, cliffs and cultural monuments such as ancient cemeteries, castle hills, baronial estates, fishing villages, etc.


Atrodas 3,7 km garās laipu takas vidusdaļā. No torņa paveras viena no Latvijas izcilākajām augstā purva ezeriņu un lāmu kompleksa ainava. Tornis ir populāra saullēktu un ziemeļblāzmas fotografēšanas vieta.


The Gauja National Park, established in 1973, was Latvia’s first national park, and it has a wealth of tradition in environmental protection and tourism. Indeed, the GNP is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Latvia. The main “artery” of the park is the ancient Gauja River valley, which was left behind when Ice Age glaciers receded. The valley is 95 kilometres long, with many tributaries that are also in deep ravines with massive sandstone cliffs from the Devonian period. The deepest part of the river valley is at Sigulda, where it is 85 metres deep.

The territory has a great diversity of species – some 900 plant species in all. The Gauja is Latvia’s most popular river for water tourism, and many tourist accommodations are found along its shores. The Gauja National Park is one of the best-appointed protected territories in Latvia in terms of nature trails and tourism routes. Nature trails at Līgatne pass along paddocks of wild animals – the largest and most complete object of its kind in the Baltic States. The park also features cultural monuments of pan-Baltic importance – the Turaida Museum Reserve, the medieval old town of the city of Cēsis with its famous castle ruins and St John’s Church, the lake castle at Āraiši, etc. Visitors centres are found in Sigulda, along the Līgatne nature trails, and at the Zvārte rock. The administration of the GNP is building a new and modern visitors centre in Sigulda.



Lielais Liepu kalns ir Latgales augstienes Rāznavas pauguraines augstākā un Latvijā trešā augstākā virsotne (289,3 m v.j.l.). Lielpaugura relatīvais augstums ir 86 m! Skatu torņa platforma ir šobrīd augstākais Latvijas punkts (323 m.v.j.l.), kas sasniedzams ar paša kājām! Liepu kalna apkārtne ir labiekārtota.


Vikmesti dēvē arī par Foreļstrautu, jo tā ir nozīmīga foreļu un taimiņu nārsta vieta. Gaujas labā krasta pieteka ir izveidojusi dziļu gravu ar stāvām nogāzēm, kuras lejtecē izveidojušies nelieli – ap 4 m augsti smilšakmens atsegumi. Gravas labajā (rietumu pusē) paceļas ar mežu apaugušais Vikmestes pilskalns. Gar Vikmestes upi izveidota taka, kuras sākumdaļa atrodas pie Siguldas – Turaidas ceļa, bet beigu daļa – pie Raganas – Turaidas ceļa (ap 3 km).


The Slītere National Park (established in 2000) is known, with good reason, as an open-air museum which shows the historical development of the Baltic Sea. Nowadays evidence of geological events is seen in the Blue Hills of Slītere, which stand 20 to 30 metres high above what was the shore of the Baltic lake of ice 10,000 years ago. The Stiebri hills were former 8,000 or 9,000 years ago, while the Littorina Sea formed Europe’s largest set of dune ramparts and damp hollows between those ramparts. This occurred between 4,000 and 7,000 years ago. The gentle climate of Northern Kurzeme is the reason why so many rare plants are found in the park – some 860 in all including Common Yew (Taxus baccata) and Baltic Ivy (Hedera helix var. baltica). Of certain value in the preservation of these treasures was the Soviet military machine, which has left behind army bases and other military objects in the area. The presence of the military meant that the area of what is now the Slītere National Park remained largely undisturbed for 50 years. The park includes one of the most popular tourist destinations in Latvia – the Cape of Kolka, which is visited by more than 50,000 travellers each year. During the spring migration of birds, more than 60,000 birds cross the cape each hour. Along the shore of the Baltic Sea is the so-called Livonian coast, which stretches from Kolka to Sīkrags and Ovīši. Fishing villages and other cultural objects established by the world’s smallest ethnic minority, the Livonians, can be found here. Tourists will enjoy interesting four nature trails, bicycling routes, viewing tower, etc. The visitors centre is located at the Slītere lighthouse. Administration of National park is organising environmental education events on regular basis open to everyone.

The national park was established to protect the 100 or so small islands that make up the archipelago of the local area. The largest island, the Vilsandi Island, is 6 km long and up to 2 km wide. You can rent a boat to get there, or, during appropriate conditions, you can walk across the sea and the small islands from the southern end of the Kuusnõmme peninsula.
This territory is Lithuania’s most forested area, and people here have always lived in accordance with nature. Local treasures include berries, mushrooms, honey, clean water from streams and rivers, etc. People here have engaged in various crafts, as well as in beekeeping.
This is the only place in the Baltic States where there is such a vast territory of open-air sand dunes which still change the local terrain very actively because of the wind. The only Sea Museum and Dolphinarium in the Baltic States can be found here.
This was the first national park in Lithuania, and it is in the northern part of the Aukštaitija Higland, where hillocks interweave with lots of little lakes and ethnographic villages. Many of the lakes are connected with streams, forming long chains of lakes that are perfect for water tourists.

The Ķemeri National Park was established in 1997 and mostly involves wetlands – the shallow shores of the Bay of Rīga, an overgrown seaside lake, vast swamps, damp forests and fens, and flood-land meadows. The park is enormously important for protecting plants (25% of those recorded in Latvia’s Red Book are found in the park) and animals, particularly nesting and migrating birds. The Great Ķemeri Bog is one of the largest swamps in Latvia, and there are other swamps, as well – the Zaļais swamp and the Raganu swamp. The massive swamps are important, too, in the flow of sulphuric waters and medicinal mud. The once-famous Ķemeri Spa was based on the availability of these resources. Most of the cultural and historical objects in the Ķemeri National Park relate to the seashore as a place for leisure and recuperation. Educational nature trails, bicycle trails, hiking trails, bird-watching towers and other facilities are available. The visitors centre is at the recently renovated “Forest House” in Ķemeri.

This park is located in the northern part of the Žemaitija Highlands, and much of it is taken up by Lake Plateliai. The park was established to protect lakes, rivers, wetlands and forest ecosystems, as well as the local cultural environment.

Koka skatu tornis atrodas blakus Kolkasraga priežu takai. No tā redzama ar priedītēm aizaugusi „stiga” – t.s. Šautuve, kuru padomju laikā izmantoja šaušanas apmācībām. No torņa skatu platformas labi saskatāma Kolkas bāka, kas atrodas 5 km attālumā no Kolkasraga.

This park was established mostly to protect a wide range of cultural and historical objects such as the Trakai lake castle, the ancient Trakai cloister, the Užutrakai castle, the Bražole castle hill, the heritage of ancient local tribes, etc.