Nordplus Adult
Archived - 09/01/2016 - 08/31/2017 (NPAD-2016/10040)

Service design know-how for rural SMEs strengthening the link between adult learning and working life in rural SME local food sector

Project goals

The specific aim of the project is to produce and disseminate On-line Training „Service design know-how for rural SMEs” (on-line training tool with printable handbook version for reading and reference) which would strengthen the link between adult learning and working life in rural SME sector.

Aims on participant level:

  • access to quick learning and practical learning contents answering present work life needs,
  • opportunity to acquire field specific and practical knowledge in designing a competitive service, based on local food,
  • opportunity to improve competitiveness due to better performance in work life.

Aims on organization level:

  • improved capacities to assist organization members with adequate training,

Aims on sector level:

  • improved competitiveness of rural food SMEs sector as part of rural economy in project partner countries

Project results

The key deliverable product of the project is the on-line training toool with printable handbook version for reading and reference (On-line Training) „Service design know-how for rural food SMEs”. The Online Training will be available in LV, NO, EE languages. The On-line Training content structure (titles of chapters and sub-chapters) will be available in English to serve dissemination purposes as a framework for nationally specific learning contents.
Results on particpant organisation level:
The participant organisations will make the On-line Training available to SMEs - members of their organisations and recipients of regular mailing lists:

  • ~4000 recipients in LV,
  • ~ 200 recipients in EE,
  • ~460 recipients in Norway

As a result, SMEs will receive a work-life based on-line training tool with printable handbook version for reading and reference providing an opportunity to improve their know-how in designing tourism products that are based on rural experiences.

Results on sectoral level:
- trainers and training institutions will receive a reference material to incorporate in their training curricula and training seminar programs.

Project leaflet