Facilitating transnational low season tourism exchanges in Europe encouraging Senior Citizens to travel Project duration: 01.09.2014 - 29.02.2016 Project goal: Project goat is to develop rural tourism that is targeted on seniors, project partners have created several steps: set specific criteria for rural tourism hospitality services and destinations to receive Seniors, complimented by Guidelines for rural tourism businesses on the preparation of products that are appropriate to senior needs. Project partners: 1. Latvian Rural Tourism Association "Lauku ceļotājs" 2. Norwegian Rural tourism and local food "HANEN" 3. Toerisme Vlaams-Brabant (BE) 4. European Federation of Rural Tourism - EuroGites 5. ANCESCAO (IT) 6. Lithuanian Countryside Tourism Association of Lithuania 7. NFE – Nationaal Ouderenfond (NL) Click here to see project presentation! Short description of project Apdated timetable |
![]() ![]() This project has been funded with support from the European Commission and with support from Society Integration Foundation |
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Co-operation workshop for Latvian rural tourism entrepreneurs took place on 25th February, in Hotel "Baltvilla". Event brought together around 130 entrepreneurs from all over Latvia. One of the main focuses of the event was development of Senior Product in rural tourism. The event met both entrepreneurs who already have experience working with seniors and those who want to develop new products for this target group. In order to support entrepreneurs to develop new products and improve environmental availability for seniors, experts of new EU fund programmes were attracted. Board members of association met in the same day before workshop in order to agree on how association can continue develop senior products after project completion. Workshop materials: Workshop programme (LAT); Press release (LAT); Presentation- Seniors go Rural: marketing programme (LAT), (LLTA "Lauku ceļotājs") Presentation - Experience of entrepreneurs - service accessibility (LAT), ("Rožmalas") Presentation - Eligibility conditions for granting in LEADER programme 2014.-2020.gadam. (LAT), (Alīna Lukjanceva, biedrība "Pierīgas partnerība" in cooperation with Latvijas Lauku forums) Presentation - ERDF business diversification program (LAT), (Zane Vaivode, Hotel Roja) |
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23rd Baltic International Travel Trade Fair "Balttour 2016" was held at Kipsala International Exhibition Centre from 5th–7th of February where "Lauku ceļotājs" provided information about seniors' discount card "Silver suitcase" and seniors-friendly rural tourism accommodations and farms. During the Trade Fair "Balttour 2016" "Lauku ceļotājs" introduced seniors, who like to travel, with the new discount card and its functions. Special edition of a seniors-friendly offerings in the Latvian countryside (accommodations, farms, places of interest) was available as well. Participation in the exhibition provided an opportunity not only to introduce seniors with the discount card and current rural tourism offers, but also to get feedback on seniors' visited places in order to assess the quality of rural tourism services of the seniors' point of view. Seniors-friendly offerings in the Latvian countryside (LV); "Silver Suitcase" card usage rules (LV); News release (LV); Seniors' survey results (LV); Poster "Seniors go rural!" (LV); Roll-Up "Seniors go rural!" (LV); Information published in Latvian Senior organization's website http://www.pensionari.lv/ (LV) Offers for "Silver Suitcase" card holders published in Latvian Senior organization's monthly edition of March (p. 11, LV) |
The 4th partner meeting took place in 03.-05.02.2016., Florence, Italy. Partners discussed the results of the 3rd interim period, financial situation, analyzed the tasks carried out, including survey results, developed webpage and brochure. Partners reported on the marketing activities and cooperation with senior organizations. SENGOR project partners met with other four Senior Tourism projects' partners in order to introduce with the projects' outcomes and conclusions, as well as discuss the future actions. Meeting documents (EN): - SENGOR project 4th meeting - agenda - Presentation Latvian Country Tourism Association - Project progress in Latvia - Presentation Latvian Country Tourism Association - Testing survey results - Presentation Latvian Country Tourism Association - Remaining tasks - Presentation Provincie Vlaams-Brabant - Presentation Lithuanian Country Tourism Association - Final financial reporting - Meeting minutes - 4 Projects meeting 04.02.2016. - agenda - Conference "Europe: the best destination for seniors" 04.02.2016. - agenda - Presentation SenGoR - Seniors Go Rural - Press release On 05.02.2016. partners participated in Final European Workshop on Low Season Senior Tourism in Rural Areas to present and discuss the Product development guidelines and criteria, the Silver Suitcase system, website. Workshop programme; Workshop minutes. |
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"Lauku ceļotājs" has launched in cooperation also with the Retired Teachers Club of Riga Latvian Society, to whom "Silver Suitcase" discount cards were distributed on 21.01.2016. |
Representatives of "Lauku ceļotājs" met with members of the Latvian Senior organization's Board (total of 17 participants) for the second time on 11.01.2016 in order to discuss the current seniors' experience of using "Silver Suitcase" discount cards. Board members shared information on where and how the cards were distributed, as well asked a number of questions to clarify the card usage rules and its functions. During the meeting "Lauku ceļotājs" received completed questionnaires with seniors' feedback about the visited tourist accommodations and attractions. Additional "Silver Suitcase" cards together with card usage rules were distributed for Board members which will be disseminated further to regional organizations. During the meeting, it was clarified that the regional seniors' organizations welcomes the members aged over 55 years. "Silver Suitcase" card usage rules (LV); Questionnaire (LV), questionnaire in English here. Information published in Latvian Senior organization's website http://pensionari.lv/akt14.html (LV) |
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Representatives of "Lauku ceļotājs" met with members of the Latvian Senior organization's Board (total of 20 participants) on 14.12.2015 in order to present the "Silver Suitcase" card, its functioning, and tell about accommodations and tourism sites special offers for seniors. During the meeting with Latvian Senior organization "Silver Suitcase" cards have been distributed (~ 1000 cards), which will be disseminated further to the members of Latvian Senior organization. Card usage rules, leaflet “SenGoR - Rural Tourism for Seniors in Europe” (in Latvian) and questionnaire in order to get feedback about "Silver Suitcase" accommodation, its offer and card usage have been disseminated as well. During the meeting participants showed interest about "Silver Suitcase" card, asked about its functions and usage, including possibilities to use the card for senior group tours and possibilities to use the card in other countries. Following the request of the organization brief information about “Silver Suitcase” cards will be prepared in order to publish it in Latvian Senior organization's newspaper and webpage. Presentation (LV); "Silver Suitcase" card usage rules (LV); Leaflet “SenGoR - Rural Tourism for Seniors in Europe” (LV); Questionnaire (LV), questionnaire in English here. News release (LV); Information published in Latvian Senior organization's website http://pensionari.lv/akt14.html (LV) |
The 3rd partner meeting took place in 15. - 17.11.2015, Leuven, Belgium. Partners discussed the results of the 2nd interim period, financial situation, changes in the budget. Partners reported on the activities performed within June - November 2015, discussed and agreed about the next project tasks and deadlines. The next partner meeting is planned in 03. - 05.02.2016, in Florence, Italy. Meeting documents (EN): - Agenda - Presentation Latvian Country Tourism Association - Results achieved and next tasks - Presentation Latvian Country Tourism Association - Presentation Eurogites - Presentation HANEN - Presentation Nationaal Ouderenfonds - Presentation Lithuanian Country Tourism Association - Meeting minutes |
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We have started to intensify project activities in Latvia for better cooperation with senior organisations here. Senior friendly tourist sites have been involved in the programme and are working on more specific preparation of their offer for senior target audience. We have published a promotional brochure in LV language to explain the senior friendly rural tourism opportunities and newly introduced symbols to recognize them and to mark the accessibility levels of the facilities. |
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The project team has produced guidelines for rural tourism businesses on how to develop senior friendly rural tourism products. The guidelines include product criteria and descriptions, explanations of the symbols to recognise the senior friendly tourist sites and accessibility levels of the facilities, operational system of the discount card, and product examples in Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and Belgium. The guidelines in English language see here, in Latvian here, French, Spanish, German, Norwegian, Dutch, Lithuanian. |
The project partners have produced a Seniors go Rural travel brochure in Dutch language to promote 14 rural tourism accommmodations in Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and Belgium. The accommodations will offer a 50% discount to seniors during the product testing period (Sept-Nov, 2015). The brochure will be distributed to the members of the project partner Ouderenfonds and published in the fond’s web site. The brochure is translated in English and Norwegian languages for distribution in other countries. Seniors go Rural travel brochure (Dutch) Seniors go Rural travel brochure (Norwegian) Seniors go Rural travel brochure (English) |
The partner meeting took place in Cyprus, 3.-6.06.2015. The partners discussed the project current status and next tasks: the production of e-leaflet, brochure, operative system, questionnaire, dissemination activities, the Sengor web site and IT, card design, and reporting needs for the next period. Meeting programme. Meeting minutes. PP of results and next tasks. Photo gallery. |
A half day brainstorming seminar with ESCAPE project took place in the afternoon of June 4. Partners exchanged the present achievements and findings of both projects, discussed criteria for senior friendly tourism products, ESCAPE Charter and Club requirements, accreditation and labelling as well as product marketing. Workshop programme. PP presentation of the Sengor project. Workshop minutes. |
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Project partner Ouderenfonds hosted the 2nd project meeting in 16.-17.03.2015. where partners discussed the results of the WP1 and next tasks in the project. Feasibility study of senior rural tourism products, product criteria and operative systems were presented and discussed between partners. The following documents are available: - meeting agenda; - presentation of the feasibility study and criteria; - presentation of Eurogites online survey; - presentation of the Research on seniors motivators and needs for Rural Tourism in the Netherlands; - Feasibility study document; - presentation of project next tasks; - Meeting minutes. |
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Project partners have investigated rural tourism products in their countries to assess their potential for Sengor. Partners have visited rural tourism facilities, discussed with the owners and prepared some sample product suggestions for testing with the senior audience during September-November (off-season) this year. Descriptions of the sample products: Norway, Baltic countries, Belgium. |
The National Foundation for the Elderly (Ouderenfonds) presented the Seniors Go Rural project in the IV International Congress on Rural Tourism in Navarra. Manon van Dijk presented the needs of older people for rural tourism within the session of 'What can we learn from other Initiatives'. The presentation was actively followed and reported on through Twitter (screen 1, screen 2) (in Spanish). |
Project partners are doing market surveys to find out the needs, interests and actual travelling habits of the target audience. In the Netherlands, the national survey attracted 461 responses and the results will be presented in the 2nd partner meeting. In Italy 157 responses received and are being summarised. Eurogites initiated an online survey. It is accessible from Eurogites web site in EN, DE, LV languages http://goo.gl/forms/byfQwDlO1L. The survey was promoted to visitors of the Gruene Woche (Berlin) and Reise Hamburg exhibitions in Germany. |
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A focus group meeting took place in Berlin, January 18, 2015 with project partners and participants, from Spain, Austria, Germany, UK, Serbia, Estonia, Latvia, Norway, Denmark. The group had a brainstorming session regarding rural tourism off-season products for seniors in different countries. The session produced valuable conclusions that were used as input for the development of Sengor products. |
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The project partner HANEN presented the project to 12 regional leaders of the organization at Skaslien, on November 26, 2014. The leaders recognize that senior tourism is important both nationally and internationally, and the members of HANEN are interested in participating and getting the results from the project. The regional leaders will inform the HANEN members about the present progress and about the planned project testing in autumn this year. Meeting programme. |
On 13.11.2014. in Brussels the meeting took place between Ilenia Gheno from AGE platform, Klaus Ehrlich from Eurogites and Nina van der Vaart from the National Foundation for the Elderly (Ouderenfonds). During the meeting the role of AGE Platform within the Seniors Go Rural project was discussed, as well as the synergies with the ESCAPE project. It was decided that the Seniors Go Rural project will try to work on the results of the ESCAPE project. The AGE Platform agreed to provide for input on the methodologies developed within the Seniors Go Rural project. They will provide for a short literature study, based on their experience and will propose a set up for a focus group session with the support of the AGE Task Force on Senior Tourism from the AGE Platform. |
The topic of senior rural tourism was raised at 5th European RT congress in Austria (Oct 7, 2014) where project partner NFE gave a presentation. The aim was to attract and raise interest of rural tourism professionals in development and promotion of rural tourism off-season products for seniors. Congress programme here. Presentation "A look over the Fence: Senior Tourism", Sabine Pool can find here. |
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Project 1st meeting took place in Riga from 29th till 30th of September. Partners discussed administrative matters, tasks and results to achieve. Meeting agenda here Presentation Goals, WPs, Results Photos of the meeting can viewed here! Hotel Jūrmala SPA shared their experience with Scandinavian senior market here! Meeting minutes see HERE. |
„Lauku ceļotājs” attended the kick-off meeting for project leader in Brussels. The goal of the meeting is to familiarise with the administrative and financial requirements to ensure high quality management of the project. Brief project description was prepared for the program database. Meeting agenda. EU Presentation LC presentation |