Project "Transfer of  Quality Ensurance Tools for European Rural Tourism Sector"

Time: 2008-2010
Project goal:  The project goal is to provide practical and efficient life-long learning opportunity for SMEs in rural tourism in Europe.
Results: Web based training tool for quality, consisting of:
1) web based quality check for minimum RT accommodation quality criteria in Europe;
2) inspector's manual;
3) virtual training module, illustrating the minimum RT accommodation quality criteria.
LdV logo     The action has received EC funding

Project Background and Schedule (PP)

Project info leaflet

Press release "Ŗural tourism goes quality "

Project partner final meeting and Eurogites extraordinary GA 

Partner_meeting_11_11 Project partners had the final project meeting on November 11, 2010 at Newmarket, UK. The meeting took place paralel to the extraordinary general assembly of Eurogites. Project partners celebrated the results achieved and discussed further use and development of the QUALITOOL after the end of the project.

QUALITOOL - the web based training tool ready for presentation to EUROGITES members

The project result - the Web Based Training Tool - has been developed. Its three parts are: 
1.Quality self check: self check form with yes/no options and drop-down menu answers. The questions are clarified in comments and illustrated in photos (compliance/incompliance with the Eurogites standards). 
2. Inspection manual: a downloadable pdf document containing EUROGITES standards and their explanations.
3. Virtual training module: Eurogites quality standards and inspection manual illustrated in photos (compliance/incompliance with the Eurogites standards).  Comments by photos offer additional explanation of cases.

International Rural Tourism Workshop

Workshop_presentation On June 9, 2010, an International Rural Tourism conference "Changing concept for quality?" took place in Riga. Ca 200 participants from 24 countries took part. The project QUALITOOL and opportunities to use its results were presented to the audience. 
See the workshop gallery here.
Read the conference summary here

Rural tourism quality survey results

Customer survey results provided valuable data to learn about market needs and preferences related to rural tourism quality.  Survey results available here (pdf, 2890 kb).

Internationl tourism exhibition Balttour

"Lauku ceļotājs" participated in tourism exhibition "Balttour" which took place in Riga at February 5- 7. Visitors could fill the "Rural tourism quality survey", totally 156 customer reviews were gathered.

Eurogites International workshop on International Branding and Marketing

The project progress and Interim results of customer review was presented at the Eurogites International workshop on International Branding and Marketing on November 16. Participating were representatives from the leading European rural tourism organisations - Austrian Farm Holidays, Gites de France, Farmstay UK, as well as Eurogites members from Lithuania and Israel. The participants discussed the rural tourism trends by countries and quality issuess, as well as expected results of the QUALITOOL project. Seminar presentations:
Austrian Farm Holidays, Eurogites, Gites de France,  Lithuanian rural tourism association.
Photo gallery of the event here.

2nd project partner meeting

The partner meeting took place in Brigg, North Lincolnshire, in 17.11.2009. The partners discussed the project progress and set the tasks for the next reporting period. Discussions mostly covered the contents and functionality of the web based Quality tool based on the Eurogites minimum international rural tourism accommodation quality standards. The working version of the Tool was presented to the partners online for their comments and suggestions.  The partners also discussed the date and agenda of the International Rural Tourism quality workshop to be organised under project.
Meeting programme. Meeting minutes.

Preliminary results of the customer review
By August 31, 2009, the customer review received 923 responses. Preliminary survey of the results available here.

Inspector's manual draft version

Based on Eurogites minimum quality criteria, the draft version of the  "Inspectors manual for minimum RT accommodation quality criteria in Europe." has been developed. It contains the criteria, their descriptions  and examples of related quality problems/customer feedback as reported from project partner countries. The manual draft version will be improved and finalised during the course of the project, after testing activities. The manual contents will be integrated in the virtual training module.

Rural Tourism customer review has been started

customer survey Customer questionnaire has been put online and is accessible from partner web sites to general public. The aim of the review is to learn about customer perceptions and expectations to quality in rural tourism, and to rely on them developing the project result - the web  based training tool. The questionnaire form is available in English, German, Spanish, Greek, Slovenian, Bulgarian, Latvian, French, Russian, Portugese, Dutch, Danish languages. All respondents take part in a lottery - the winner gets a week's stay in a country guest house or cottage in one of the project partner countries.

Project dissemination at the Eurogites General Assembly

In May 15-16 a project lead partner representative took part in the GA of Eurogites to inform about the project, its expected results and events. The PP presentation attached here.

Rural Tourism quality review (pdf, 684 KB)
The review summarises Rural tourism quality schemes, provider training, quality issues/problems in 12 countries in 2008. The information was provided by the project partners and several members of EUROGITES who kindly responded to the review. The review conclusions will be used to develop the contents of  the project results - the web based  training tool.

27.10.2008. Project kick-off meeting

kick_off_meeting Project partners met in Latvia to discuss project tasks, administrative and financial issues. The meeting started with Leonardo da Vinci program presentation by Mr. Linards Deidulis representing the National LdV  agency. In the afternoon, partners headed for the countryside to continue the meeting in a country guesthouse. Meeting minutes here.

   Project partners:
1. Bulgarian Association for alternative tourism BAAT
2. Greek Network of Rural Accommodation
3. European Federation  of Farm and Village Tourism EUROGITES
4. Andalusian Network of Rural Accommodation
5. Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry of Slovenia, Agriculture and Forestry Institute Celje