Project Sustainable use and management of nature resources in the Natura2000 territories – popular and potential tourism destinations in Latvia (01.05.2008. - 30.04.2011)

Project leaflet (pdf)     Project presentation (PP)

The goal
To facilitate maintenance of biological diversity in the Natura2000 sites in Latvia under growing pressure from tourism.

Key activities
1. Prepare tourism development plans for 4 Natura2000 sites in Latvia.
2. Develop tourism management guidelines for Natura2000 sites, distribute to stakeholders in Latvia.
3. Organise input of the best practice experience in nature tourism development from Norway.
4. Develop "Traveller's Green Advice for Tourists".
5. Print 5 publications, promoting environment friendly tourism.
6. Maintain regular project information on the web.
7. Dissemination of results and project final event - the Baltic conference.
Expected results:
1. Tourism development plans for 4 Natura2000 sites:
  • the Dviete floodplain nature park
  • the Lake Rāzna national park
  • the Abava river valley nature park
  • the Vidzeme seacoast of the Gulf of Riga within the North Vidzeme Biosphere reserve.
2. Management guidelines for Natura2000 sites used in tourism.
3. Five environment friendly tourism publications with the "Traveller's Green advice"
  • hiking in Latvia
  • boating in Latvia
  • cycling in Latvia
  • nature sightseeing in Latvia
  • "Nature Holidays" in the Baltics

Project progress:

Publications about project can see here. (Latvian language)

February 14, 2011 Guidlines for environmental friendly and sustainable activity and product development

The basic principles for environmentally friendly and sustainable nature watching are formulated based on site inspections of over 80 protected nature areas and Natura 2000 sites
identifying at least 100 positive and 100 negative examples of using nature resources. The following basic principles (recommendations) have been derived from the above considerations as guidelines for development of new touring routes and products.Guidlines can download here.

December, 2010 - Workshop on Development of Culinary (gastronomic) rural tourism products

On December 1, training seminar was organized – Development of culinary heritage tourism products, where highlights of the national and region-specific dishes were discussed and best practice examples shared. Project manager Asnāte Ziemele presented project progress emphasizing the tourist routes developed within the territory of North Vidzeme Biosphere Reserve. The seminar program here. Pictures of the event – here.Video of the seminar - here.

New tourism routes within the project area

Developed new tourism products – routes from all four project areas.
Abavas Valley Nature Park: From Kandava till Renda (boat route)
Dviete Wetlands Nature Park: Dvietes wetland nature park and its surroundings (car and bicycle route), Flooding of the Dviete for canoeing, Dragonflies in Dviete wetlands (wildlife watching), Birds in Dviete wetlands (wildlife watching)
North Vidzeme Biosphere Reserve rocky seashore: Vidzeme coast by bike (bicycle route), along the Vidzeme rocky seashore (foot), from Tūja to Salacgrīva (boat route), Birds at Vidzeme coast (wildlife watching), Botanical route for hikers, along the Vidzeme coast of the Gulf of Riga: Ainaži - Dunte (self-drive route). Map of services of Vidzeme rocky seashore see here.
Rāzna National Park: Around the Rāzna National Park (self-drive route), Trotters of Latgale (horseback riding), Around the lake Rāzna by bike (Cycling route)

September 2010: Two new materials have been prepared on tourism in Natura 2000 sites

On the basis of inspected protected areas two new materials have been prepared, "Natura 2000 sites in the context tourism development in Latvia" and "Guidelines and criteria for nature objects (sites, habitats, species) promotion of preventive assessment as part of a sustainable and environmentally friendly tourism and advertising." Guidelines available here.

27. 09.2010 tourist survey summary

To check the travelers' views on the nature protected and Natura 2000 sites, "Lauku ceļotājs" has made a year long inquiry, which is available on This survey was conducted electronically during the period from June 2009 until July 2010. Responses received from 991 respondents in total. Summary see here.

September 22, 2010 Baltic states cycing map and media trip

On 22. september media and other tourism and environmental experts were invited to participate in the new Baltic states cycling map presentation which took place in Saulkrasti cycling museum. After the presentation participants took hiking route along the stony beach of Vidzeme and after it lunch with a discussion in guest house "Vējavas".

Project expert J.Smaļinska presentation "Baltic cycling map".

Programm of event in Latvian language can find here.

Photos of event can find here.

September 22, 2010 New Baltic States cycling map

This cycling map of the Baltic States has brief descriptions of 14 cycling routes with a total lenght of more than 3700km. The map includes information about boating routes along the rivers and sea. These provide different perspective to the landscape as well as add another experience. 

Map is available in  Latvian, English and German language.

August 27 -28, 2010 Cycling route inspection and discussion with local enterpreneurs

On the August 27th and 28th project staff and North Vidzeme tourism enterpreneurs inspected new cycling route along Vidzeme seaside. On the evening hosts of guest house "Vējavas" told about their experience with fishing tourism products.

Secend day was dedicated to discussion about tourism product development and project tourisma routes. On the afternoon rest of the cycling route was tested.

Programm of event can find here (in Latvian language). Cycling route here

June 9, 2010. International rural tourism workshop in Riga

On the 9th June international rural tourism workshop was help in Riga. The workshop brought together European professionals in rural tourismfrom more that 30 countries – associations, tour operators, tourist boards, service providers and others – to summarise and evaluate the changes in the sector and highlight innovative, constructive and successful approaches to win the challenges presented to rural tourism by the economic situation in Europe. The workshop was combined with the annual conference of Latvian rural tourism providers.

Presentation of project manager A. Ziemeles can download here, other presentations from workshop can find here.

Photos of workshop are available here.

News archive

Project partners:Latvian country tourism association "Lauku ceļotājs"
Kalnciema street 40, Riga
Tel.: +371 67617600
Fax: 67830041

Latvijan Fund for Nature
Dzirnavu street 73-2, Rīga
Tel: 67830999
Fax: 67830291
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Supported by a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Financial Mechanism and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism