The increasing popularity of nature based recreation puts a growing pressure on environment and biological diversity. It results in behaviour that brings, even without intention, a negative environmental impact. To address this challenge, this project will develop the Code of Conduct - a common set of rules regulating the use of coastal nature areas for recreation purposes. The common Code of Conduct will be based on combined stakeholder interests: harmonisation of the existing municipality and nature conservation regulations, economic and recreation interests of local communities, and tourist interests. The project will provide a networking platform for all stakeholders to meet, discuss challenges and solutions, present their interests and arguments, and reach common result.
Project expected results:
Tangible impacts during the project: the municipalities in the Latvian Green Belt territory accepted the common Code of Conduct to work in their territories.
Tangible impacts beyond the project lifetime:
About BESTbelt:
Connecting and protecting unique landscapes throughout Europe by empowering local stakeholders is the focus of the new BESTbelt pilot project. In the framework of the European Green Belt (EGB), BESTbelt provides not only funding for conservation projects and sustainable development but also training and guidance on project management. Furthermore, BESTbelt is addressing the younger generation of European conservationists by fostering the exchange of information and establishing networks. - here you can find more information about BESTbelt.